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Work No. 10 {Poorman Disc. Shaft]
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 4)
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 98 [XCVIII], Issue No. 2528; 1
Info Publication Date:
January 2, 1909
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Work Mines Stuff in 1908
The Work adjoining properties are producing, chiefly under lease, with prospects of continuation.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted from article named 'Cripple Creek in 1908'
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 15.04.2022 (16:50:02)
Above Info was First Seen 15.04.2022

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 28 [XXVIII], Issue No. 12
Info Publication Date:
March 21, 1908
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Work Co. Production So Far in 1908
Cripple Creek—The gross production of the properties of the Work Co. from Jan. 1 to date has reached a total of approximately $60,000. Twelve sets of lessees are actively engaged in the development of the company's properties on Raven and Gold hills, and a majority of these are shipping.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 20.12.2023 (08:13:13)
Above Info was First Seen 29.11.2010

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 7 [VII], Issue No. 177
Info Publication Date:
June 27, 1899
Info found on page:
Info Title:
New Lessees on Poorman in Good Ore
graphic for visual presentation of text——————
graphic for visual presentation of textA Strong Chute Has Been Opened in the Poorman Claim.
graphic for visual presentation of text——————
graphic for visual presentation of textORE IS OF A GOOD GRADE
graphic for visual presentation of text——————
graphic for visual presentation of textJACKSON AND HARTIG ARE THE LUCKY MEN THIS TIME
graphic for visual presentation of text——————
graphic for visual presentation of text The Jackson and Hartig lease on the Poorman of the Work company is showing a fine body of ore at the 175-foot level. Just how people who worked the property missed the mineral it will be hard to explain.
graphic for visual presentation of text When the ground was secured a few days ago by the present people a rail in the floor of the level mentioned was taken up, a shot put in and twelve inches of ore was exposed, and it has since been opened for a distance of 50 feet.
graphic for visual presentation of text No assay so far had has run under two ounces, and from that up to 65 ounces to the ton. The vein has also been found in the bottom of the shaft that is 205 feet deep, and a level is being driven out that is in ore of as good a grade as that found above.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 03.11.2022 (09:44:49)
Above Info was First Seen 22.05.2010

Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Herald Democrat. Volume: 13 [XIII]
Info Publication Date:
March 19, 1892
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Poorman With Good Indications of Mineral
A two days' jaunt on horseback took me from Rhyolite hill, on the north, to Grouse mountain, on the south, and from Pisgah, on the west, to Wilson creek, on the east, within which boundaries some four thousand claims have been located.
graphic for visual presentation of text The greater part of those have nothing more than the assessment work done upon them, and in many instances, this has been so indifferently done, and with such an utter abandon and disregard of the statues, that they cannot be held for a moment to comply with the legal requirements.
graphic for visual presentation of text But, in traversing Ennis, Globe, Gold, Bull, Tenderfoot, Womack, Mineral and a score or more of hills in the district, sources of Cripple, Wilson, Requa, Squaw and other water courses, I came upon scores of properties that were being developed with more or less vigor and intelligence, some with tunnels or inclines, others with shafts or open cuts, and the owners of each full of hope and expectations.
graphic for visual presentation of text Among those having already good indications of mineral was the Poorman lode claim on Ennis mountain. From statements made to me by different parties I have that the Poorman had $170 in Smelter or Mill Returns.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted and somewhat rewritten from source article dealing with the District, by C. C. Davis
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 14.01.2024 (23:09:47)
Above Info was First Seen 19.01.2011