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Blue Bell tunnel
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Geology and Mining Industries of the Cripple Creek District, 1894-95
(page 175)
by Whitman Cross & R. A. F. Penrose, Jr.
Blue Bell mine

The Blue Bell claim is in Squaw Gulch, just below the town of Anaconda, and is developed by a tunnel several hundred feet long and some minor workings on a quartz vein intersecting the granite and the granite-breccia.

The vein varies in strike in different places from almost due north and south to about N. 12-degree E., dips at from 85-degree to 90-degree to the westward, and varies from 6 inches to 3 feet in thickness. At the most southerly point at which it is exposed in Squaw Gulch it is in solid granite more or less fractured by numerous cracks; but to the north the inclosing rock becomes more and more broken until it passes into a breccia of granitic and volcanic fragments.

The ore, especially near the surface is largely a rusty or gray quartz, but at a slight depth this passes into a mixture of purple fluorite and quartz with iron pyrites, manganese oxides, and occasionally some galena and sphalerite, which contain both gold and silver, as is shown by the accompanying assays, kindly furnished by the manager, Mr. J. S. Lentz.

Analysis of ore from the Blue Bell mine:
Ounces per ton.    Per cent.
Gold 0.60
Silver 62.50
Lead 8.50
Zinc 18.30
Iron 2.80
Silica 45.00
Water 1.15

The vein contains many fragments of granite and breccia broken from the walls and partially replaced by quartz. A remarkable feature of the mine is the large quantity of water encountered in it.

Most of the mines of the district are comparatively dry and rarely require pumps, but a stream of water comes from the Blue Bell tunnel which has been used in running the Sylvanite Mill (ten stamps) and once supplied a part of the requirements of the Rose Bud Mill (fifty stamps).