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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 11)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 10 [X], Issue No. 33Info Publication Date:
August 19, 1899Info found on page:
1114-1115Info Title:
Bankers' Gold Mining Co. Inquiry
Bankers' Gold Mining Co.
4322. (Barton Landing, Vt. ) Please report in the "Investor" the present condition and prospects of the Bankers' Gold Mining Co., on Bull Hill, Cripple Creek, Colo.
Ans.: The company is capitalized at 1,250,000 shares, par value $1; principal office, 206 Ernest and Cranmer Block, Denver, Colo.; president, W. H. Chittenden; secretary, H. S. Morgan. The company owns the Shertloff, Grouse, Star of Bethlehem, New Discovery and Mollie W. claims, aggregating about 13 acres, on Blue HillBull Hill, Cripple Creek, part of which ground is patented and the remainder unpatented.
There are seven sets of lessees working different portions of the property, subject to royalties, and a shaft is being sunk, already about 400 feet deep. The company owes about $10,000, mostly to stockholders for money advanced, the remainder being unpaid salaries to officials. It owns 300,000 shares in the Garfield Consolidated Gold Mining Co., received from sale of property to that company, the stock of which company was quoted on the Colorado stock exchanges on Saturday, July 29, at between 13 and 14c.
The property of the Bankers' Gold Mining & Milling Co. is well located, adjoining the Union Stratton's American Eagles and Garfield Consolidated properties. Highest price of shares in the history of the company, 23c., viz., in 1896; highest price since sale of a portion of its property, 12c.; lowest price, 7c.; price on Saturday, July 29, between 9 and 10c.
The money in the treasury is being used in the development of the property, with reasonable probability that it will become an ore shipping, dividend paying mine. One of the officials states that the owners of a controlling interest in the company acquired the property in 1892. Not long ago they were offered 16c. per share for such controlling interest, but asked 60c.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Fixed spelling error where source said 'Blue Hill' instead of Bull HillInternet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 11.02.2024 (11:31:05)
Above Info was First Seen 11.02.2024
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 24Info Publication Date:
September 10, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
Shurtloff Working Well
Colorado Springs, Sept. 8. The Shurtloff Company, adjoining the Findley mine, is now making a large production, their grade of ore being remarkable. Most of their ore is coming from the seventh level downward. While the tonnage of the Shurtloff is not as large as the Findley, yet the grade is much better.

The Shurtloff Company is now employing in the neighborhood of 70 men.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Added clarification about locationInternet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 24.09.2023 (09:18:57)
Above Info was First Seen 24.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 22Info Publication Date:
August 27, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
Shurtloff in Rich Ore
Colorado Springs, Aug. 25. The new and wonderfully rich ore shoot that was recently opened up in the Shurtloff mine on Bull Hill, has now, beyond all question of a doubt, been demonstrated to be one of the greatest strikes made in the district for many years.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 24.09.2023 (09:13:43)
Above Info was First Seen 23.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 50 [L], Issue No. 2Info Publication Date:
July 14, 1904Info found on page:
43Info Title:
Shurtloff Reports Rich Ore Shoots
Shurtloff.—It is reported that two new and extremely rich ore shoots have been opened on this property in the tenth level at a depth of 800 feet. At that depth a new vein has been encountered that is entirely different from the one worked by the former owners of the property.

The ore shoot has been opened for a distance of 120 feet in this level. It averages thirty-three feet in width, but in the breast it is now sixty feet wide.

One-fifth of the material being extracted from this shoot is said to average $45 to the ton. At another point a cross vein has been encountered which is about eight feet wide. This ore is said to run $80 to the ton.

The big ore shoot has been proven to be continuous, a drift from the Findley, located farther down the hill, having opened it at a point 200 feet below.

The Shurtloff is owned by A. E. Carlton, who paid the sum of $250,000 for the 2.59 acres of ground, or $100,000 per acre. This is the highest price ever paid per acre in the camp.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 20.09.2022 (07:55:56)
Above Info was First Seen 15.05.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 55 [LV], Issue No. 8Info Publication Date:
February 21, 1907Info found on page:
189Info Title:
Shurtloff in High-Grade Oreshoot
Shurtloff—In this Bull Hill property, owned by the Findley Consolidated Company, an ore shoot of high values, was recently uncovered in the 1,100-foot level. The ore is a sylvanite, showing at times considerable free gold.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 09.07.2022 (21:58:25)
Above Info was First Seen 06.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 99 [XCIX], Issue No. 2561; 8Info Publication Date:
August 21, 1909Info found on page:
242Info Title:
Shurtloff Shipment
The return on a two-car shipment from the Shurtloff mine was $84 per ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 23.04.2022 (08:24:41)
Above Info was First Seen 23.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 80 [LXXX], Issue No. 25Info Publication Date:
December 23, 1905Info found on page:
1189Info Title:
Acacia Quarrel and Sinks
Acacia—A lively quarrel is still on between the two factions of the Acacia, each attempting to get control at the annual meeting in the latter part of January. Several circulars have been issued by both sides.

It is reported that some of the rich ore-shoots of the Shurtloff property run into the Acacia ground. The only important work at present in progress on the mine is the sinking of the McKensie shaft on the south end, put down for the purpose of exploiting the Shurtloff ore-shoots.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 27.08.2021
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 80 [LXXX], Issue No. 23Info Publication Date:
December 9, 1905Info found on page:
1094Info Title:
Shurtloff lode of Findley Produces Great Amount
Findley—In this mine, on Bull hill, on the 1,100-ft level of the Shurtoff claim, is a stope 30 ft. wide and 100 ft. long. During the current month machine drills have removed ore vertically but 4 ft.; but of 4 ft. from a stope 3 by 150 ft. means a great amount of ore.

This shoot has been proven at several points between the 1.100-ft. and the 500-ft. levels, and it is thought it will continue to the surface.

During the year the company has paid dividends every month, and has expended 40,000 in surface improvements.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 27.08.2021
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 75 [LXXV], Issue No. 13Info Publication Date:
March 28, 1903Info found on page:
497Info Title:
Valley City Leasing Co.'s lease on the Shurtloff
Valley City Leasing Company.

This company has a bond and lease on the Shurtloff claim on Bull Hill. Reports indicate it has a good lease, as the mine is now down 1,000, and a station is to be cut to develop the vein that has been opened.

It is stated that the company intends to take up its bond as soon as a lawsuit over the claim is settled. The bond is for $150,000.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 04.02.2019
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 118 [CXVIII], Issue No. 2Info Publication Date:
January 11, 1919Info found on page:
62Info Title:
Shurtloff to Be Worked by Lessee Kurie Again
Frank Kurie, former superintendent for the Portland company, who has been absent for a long period in Government service, will resume operations after January 1. He has secured a lease option on blocks 215-216 of the Stratton estate on Bull hill.

The ground covers the Shurtloff holding of the estate, and Kurie some years ago mined a good grade of ore from the Hawk shaft on the property.

The blocks are directly over the Basket and Luce discovery at the 1500-ft. level of the American Eagle shaft, and Kurie is confident that with sinking he will open the vein nearer the surface.
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 03.03.2020
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Aspen Democrat. Volume: 2 [II], Issue No. 4Info Publication Date:
August 9, 1901Info found on page:
3Info Title:
Shurtloff Leasers Find Great Shoot
(From Colorado Telegraph.)

Shurtloff—Marshall Bowers and associates, leasing on the Shurtloff, on Bull Hill, find the shoot opening in the 400-foot level exceeding both in width and value anything before found in the property, and are getting in shape to make an output of 10 tons a day.

As soon as possible sinking will be resumed to catch the extension of the Steelsmith chute of the Findley.

The ore coming out is spotted with sylvanite, and assays could be had up into the thousands. It is thought that the entire body of four feet will ship at $80 a ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 15.10.2019