Touraine Gold Mining Co. Inquiry
Touraine Gold Mining Co.

4800. (Barton Landing, Vt.) Please report on the Touraine Gold Mining Company, of Cripple Creek, Colo. G. D. B. Bonbright president, and J. M. Allen secretary.

Ans.: According to the January issue of the Cripple Creek handbook, this company is capitalized at 1,250,000 shares and has 150,000 shares and $5,000 in the treasury. I. W. Bonbright is the president and F. M. Woods the secretary, the office being No. 30 Giddings Building, Colorado Springs.

The company owns 20½ acres of patented ground and two acres of ground in process of being patented on the north slope of Globe Hill. Lessees are said to be vigorously developing the property.

The company is apparently pretty much of a joint enterprise of Wm. P. Bonbright & Co. and the Woods Investment Co., both of which have been successful in their lines.