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Juvia B. Lode
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 1)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 11 [XI], Issue No. 7
Info Publication Date:
February 17, 1900
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Cripple Creek Gold Mining & Development Co. Inquiry
Cripple Creek Gold Min. & Dev. Co.
graphic for visual presentation of text 4747. (South Manchester, Conn.) Will you give a report of prospects and business capacity of the managers of the Cripple Creek Gold Mining & Development Co.? The stock is being offered at 2½ cents per share by the Kendrick Promotion Co., of Denver? Is this a preferred or treasury stock? Please give a full report.
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of text Ans.: This company owns four patented claims in the extreme northern portion of the Cripple Creek district, and eight claims on the southern edge of the district. The company is awaiting developments on adjoining properties. The stock is purely speculative.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 25.02.2024 (12:32:42)
Above Info was First Seen 16.02.2024