E. F. C. Mining & Milling Co. Inquiry
E. F. C. Mining & Milling Co.
4768. (Portsmouth, N. H.) Will you kindly inform me whether the E. F. C. Mining & Milling Co., incorporated under the laws of the state of Colorado, have any mine, and if so what the stock is worth?
Ans.: In the absence of all other information, the only printed reference so far found is that a company of this name was recorded in the office of the Colorado secretary of state on July 5, 1895, with 100,000 shares and headquarters at Gillett, a small place on the line of the Midland Terminal railroad, several miles north of Cripple Creek.
There are no shipping properties near Gillette and never have been. The fact that a company organized five years ago remains in obscurity is presumptive evidence that it was not a success.