Scanned items:
Last updated: 24 January, 2013 23:46

This page holds links to items in my collection that I have scanned and shared here for the world to see as I think it's important to show this items and not just keep them to my self. smile

It mostly consist of old postcard folders, but you also find more booklet types and even small books in here, and it will be expanded from time to time depending on various factors like my time and the space left on this site. smile

Over the years that has passed since I first created this page my collection has somewhat grown faster then I been able to scan and keep this site up to date, and today it is hard to figure out how to best present and share this stuff.

Also, the Internet has changed a lot, and it is now much esier to do research online in older texts from books and mining journals and newspapers and so on as there been lot of work done in digitize old stuff like that, making part of my site rather obsolete I think.

Like most of the pdf files I had taken from older mining journals and alike, today they can be found often through Google Books, the Internet Archive site or similar places.

My site and knowledge about web building and resources has not changed that much and I have begun ponder over is it worth it or not to try design in a new site with all this stuff or not.