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Roanoke Mine
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 5)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 10 [X], Issue No. 5
Info Publication Date:
February 4, 1899
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Cripple Creek City Land & Mining Co. Inquiry
Cripple Creek City Land & Mining Co.

3821. (Portland, Me.) Please furnish me with any information you possess about the Cripple Creek City Land & Mining Co., Boston office, 113 Devonshire street.

Ans.: Our Colorado mining correspondent, who is one of the best posted men on gold mining in the United States, writes us follows regarding this property. (We forwarded him the prospectus issued by this company):

"I never before heard of this company, and regard it with distrust for the following reasons:

    1. "No one of the various maps I possess shows the Emma Palmer placer and Roanoke Lode claims, which probably exist nevertheless.
    2. "Various tracts near the town of Georgia CreekCripple Creek were located years ago, nominally as placers, for the purpose really of securing the ground, but in all the subsequent seven years it has never been demonstrated that they contained sufficient gold to justify operation.
    3. "Even if they did, there is no water available for their operation, practically all sources of water supply having been monopolized by the town for domestic purposes.
    4. "As to lode mining, the government geological maps show that the formation north of the town of Cripple Creek is different to that of the gold bearing area, and prospecting and development during the last eight years have failed to open up a shipping mine on the northern edge of the town of Cripple Creek, or in that general vicinity.
    5. "For building purposes the value of the ground is problematical, for the reasons:

      the town of Cripple Creek has not 30,000 population, as stated in the prospectus, or anything near that number.

      According to my observations and conclusions during my frequent visits, the town of Cripple Creek is already overbuilt. I do not look for any considerable growth of the town of Cripple Creek, because it is on the northwestern edge of the gold producing area. Half a dozen towns or big villages, experiencing considerable growth, scattered over the gold producing district, prohibit concentration of population at the town of Cripple Creek, and frequent and quick railroad service cause the better classes, having interests in the Cripple Creek district, to reside in Denver, Colorado Springs, Florence, Canon City, etc., in fact, no one lives in Cripple Creek who does not have to do so.

      Prior to the completion of the National hotel, many persons, like myself, would go to Cripple Creek by the night train, make an extra long day and return by the following night train, preferring two nights in Pullmans to one intervening night in Cripple Creek.

    6. "I never before heard of Charles G. Bower M. E., (?) or C. A. Bower, civil engineer (?), though I was under the impression that I knew, either personally or by repute, the leading professional men in Cripple Creek. Their names do not appear under the heading of 'Cripple Creek' in the Colorado State Business Directory for 1898."
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 07.02.2024 (15:07:35)
Above Info was First Seen 07.02.2024

Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 10 [X], Issue No. 25
Info Publication Date:
June 24, 1899
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Ad; Cripple Creek City Land & Mining Co. Stocks
graphic for visual presentation of textThe Cripple Creek City
graphic for visual presentation of textLand & Mining Co. Stock.
graphic for visual presentation of text———
graphic for visual presentation of textPRICE WILL BE ADVANCED JULY 18, 1899
graphic for visual presentation of text———
graphic for visual presentation of text The recent shipment from its Roanoke Mine and the demand for its City lots justify the advance in price. We therefore recommend our clients to purchase before the advance takes place.
graphic for visual presentation of text———
graphic for visual presentation of textBURNS & ROLLINS,
graphic for visual presentation of textBROKERS,
graphic for visual presentation of text113 Devonshire Street, - - Boston.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 10.02.2024 (23:11:32)
Above Info was First Seen 10.02.2024

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 58 [LVIII], Issue No. 1
Info Publication Date:
July 2, 1908
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Roanoke Resumed Production
The Roanoke property, on the west slope of Mineral hill, has resumed operations and is again producing. This property has been idle since 1904.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 20.03.2023 (12:33:34)
Above Info was First Seen 13.06.2010

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 97 [XCVII], Issue No. 2502; 1
Info Publication Date:
July 4, 1908
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Roanoke Producing Again
The Roanoke, on the west slope of Mineral hill, is again producing, after laying idle since 1904.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 11.08.2023 (09:01:23)
Above Info was First Seen 28.09.2010

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 29 [XXIX], Issue No. 7
Info Publication Date:
August 15, 1908
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Roanoke Most Likely to Resume Work in Days
Cripple Creek—It is probable that work will in a few days be resumed on the Roanoke.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.12.2023 (20:22:25)
Above Info was First Seen 30.12.2023