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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 2)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 9 [IX], Issue No. 24Info Publication Date:
June 11, 1898Info found on page:
850Info Title:
Globe Hill Consolidated Mining Co. Inquiry
Globe Hill Cons. Mining Co.

3461. (New Orleans, La.) I will thank you to publish any information you may be able to obtain regarding the Globe Hill Consolidated Mining Co., of Colorado. President, Geo. E. Ross-Lewin; secretary, H. A. McIntyre.

I understand the company owns the patented claims, Foggy, Good Enough and Happy Boy, on Globe Hill, about 18 acres. What is the stock worth?

Ans.: The property of this company consists of the three above mentioned patented claims, which are immediately surrounded by and practically abut upon the following shipping and dividend paying properties: Half Moon, Geneva, Abe Lincoln, May Queen, El Paso Gold King, Lelia and C. O. D.

The workings on the three patented claims of the Globe Hill Consolidated Mining Co. consist of half dozen shafts from ten to 50 feet deep, and half a dozen drifts upon the veins cut by the Chicago tunnel, which intersects claims. Such work has been mostly done by lessees, and there are two sets of lessees now at work.

The leasers have encountered six or seven different veins of varying value, but, as may be supposed, no ore of a shipping character has thus far been found.

The secretary states that a French mining engineer, Prof. Regnaud, was recently out there, and reported to the French investors, who own considerable of the stock, that the management ought to be at work, and that if the company would expend $20,000 in machinery and opening up the mine, it could be made a great producer and dividend payer.

The company is capitalized at $1,500,000, in $1 shares, all the shares having been issued and there being none in the treasury. The company does not owe anything. Nearly 1,200,000 shares are held in what is known as the Globe Hill Pool, of which the secretary of the Globe Hill Consolidated Mining Co., Mr. H. A. McIntyre, is trustee.

About 250,000 of the remaining shares are owned in Paris, France, leaving only about 25,000 shares in individual hands in the United States. The stock has never been listed or quoted on any stock exchange.

The price at which the shares are held by the Globe Hill Pool is ten cents.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 02.02.2024 (14:21:16)
Above Info was First Seen 02.02.2024
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 10 [X], Issue No. 10Info Publication Date:
March 11, 1899Info found on page:
333Info Title:
Globe Hill Gold Mining Co. Inquiry
Globe Hill Gold Mine.

3953. (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Please give me, through the columns of your valuable paper, information in regard to the Globe Hill Gold Mining Company, of the Cripple Creek district. I desire to know particularly in regard to the value of their holdings, and also as to what has been done in the way of development of their properties.

Ans.: The property of the company consists of three claims (Happy Boy, Foggy and Good Enough), which are immediately surrounded by and practically abutt on several producing properties.

The workings of the three patented claims of the Gold Hill Consolidated Mining Co. consist of half a dozen shafts from 10 to 50 feet deep, and half a dozen drifts upon the veins cut by the Chicago tunnel, which intersects these claims. Such work has been mostly done by lessees, and there are lessees now at work.

The company is capitalized at $1,500,000 in $1 shares, all the shares having been issued and there being none in the treasury. The company does not owe anything.

Nearly 1,200,000 shares are held in what is known as the Globe Hill Pool, of which the secretary of the Globe Hill C. M. Co., Mr. H. A. McIntyre, is trustee. About 250,000 of the remaining shares are owned in Paris, France, leaving only about 25,000 shares in individual hands in the United States.

The stock has never been listed or quoted on any stock exchange. The price at which the shares are held by the Globe Hill Pool is 10 cents, and they are now selling pool shares in Canada at ten cents.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 08.02.2024 (17:03:58)
Above Info was First Seen 08.02.2024