General/Base Info:
Maria A.
This is a hidden text,
acting just like a spacer
type of text in order to
push the Entity info
down on the page. Sorry to have wasted your time/ear to listen to this, I was just trying to get a layout work like I wanted.
Info Last updated: 11.06.2024 (12:57:42)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Bull Hill / Raven Hill
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • George A. Jones
      -> 1893-05-09 [claim Map]
    • et al. (and Others)
      -> 1893-05-09 [claim Map]
    • Maria A. Gold Mining Company
      -> 1900 [reported As Owner]
      -> 1901-01 [reported As Owner]
    • Hildreth Frost
      -> 1911-12-21 [reported As Owner]
    Known claims:
    • Maria A. Lode - 8075
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      General notes:
      Plat Map is a confusing mess of claims crossing over each other, overlapping and must been lot of bickering over who have what. For instance, I see the Twin Sister No. 2 is overlapping by about 4/5 of the width, but a quick glance at that claim's plat map tells me that Maria A. seems to have had the upper hand in the land battle I presume have been going on here.
      graphic for visual presentation of text Plat Map itself is quite boring, I only see the Discovery Shaft marked out, about center of the claim except the Sheriff claim has taken a chunk of the ground so it is not center of claim. But it seems to lay almost at center line North-South part of Section 19, T.15 South, R.69 West and almost at the line between Section 19 and Section 20.
      graphic for visual presentation of text Later the side-spur from the High Line, going down to the Joe Dandy mine, that spur would cut the south west corner of this claim not that far into the claim, but that is to late for this Plat Map to show.