General/Base Info:
Anaconda Mine
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Info Last updated: 22.04.2024 (11:28:00)
This cropped view of a slide photo from 1968 shows what is left of the Anaconda Mine structures. The Road in front of the Ore-House was the former F. & C.C. roadbed, which turned into a road when that railroad was gone, and which was later the main road between Victor and Cripple Creek towns, but today all this is gone, road and everything.
   Closest to the road is the Anaconda mine Orehouse, with the Blacksmith and its cupola visible behind it, and to the right is what appears to be a tunnel opening, just left of what appears to possible be the Powerplant Structure when looking at a Sanborn 1908 Fire Insurance Map, or the Office, maybe also just be a shed like structure. Behind the structures is the former roadbed of the Midland Terminal seen, at about middle top/down, coming from left-hand side, and entering a cut behind the shed/possible powerplant structure, at the right-hand side.A View at the Ore House at the Anaconda Mine, Along the Cripple Creek Road to Victor, Colorado
Photo by: Jim/James Dunn [1968]
My Collection; Slides; cropped view of the Anaconda Mine ruins from a 2400dpi scan.
Media ID: 246
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
18.03.1892 (Date of Amended Location Certificate)
Gold Hill
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • Anaconda Gold Mining Company
      -> 1892-03-19 [reported As Owners]
      -> 1893-03-16 [claim Map]
    • Anaconda Mining Company
      -> 1901-01 [reported As Owner]
    Known claims:
    • Anaconda Lode - 7902
    • Grover Cleveland Lode - 7902
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      June 1892
      May 1893 Returns of 22 tons sent to Denver
      General notes:
      Map is interesting for various reason. It is part of several claims under one Survey Number, and this particular claim has lost quite much ground to a conflicting claim named Rustler, but there still ground left, even if much of that overlaps other claims in same Survey number.
      graphic for visual presentation of text Claim is not a regular shape, it has skewed sides, and has a south and northern part without connection due to the before mention Rustler claim on the same grounds. The Discovery Point is on the northern part, about 1/6 south of the northern border, inside an area filled with text so very hard to read it all. There seem to be a Shaft just north of it, with a Drift going west, and then a Cut and Trench east of that shaft. In addition, a Tunnel with Drifts and a Cut seems to go in northern direction. A Building can also been seen southwest of all this, inside ground also marked as being part of the Superior claim, where also a road passes just south of this structure...
      graphic for visual presentation of text Inside the area marked as not part of this group of claims there are a Shaft marked up in north, following by a smaller Building, big Trench, another Shaft, a Cut, further south yet another Shaft and a Cut. Even further south there is another Trench marked, then a Cut, before part of a long, and angled Tunnel is shown coming into the Rustler ground from a Tunnel opening down into the Grover Cleveland claim, also part of the same Survey number as the Anaconda claim. There are also two structures marked at that opening.
      graphic for visual presentation of text In the south of the Anaconda claim there is two pieces of land left, and one of them contains a Cut and a Tunnel and the other has a small piece of the before mention long angled tunnel, which then heads into Mary McKinney ground... I assume the owners of the Anaconda mine must have got permission or bought out the Rustler claim as they cross it big time with their tunnel down in the area known as the Anaconda Mine which on this map more seems to be the Grover Cleveland ground.
      graphic for visual presentation of text Map is way to early for any railroads to show up, but the claim would in the south be crossed by first the Midland Terminal and in 1900 by the Low Line some distance further north, up the hill.