This page has a total of 2 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
19.10.2020 (11:48:40)
Title on Image:
Doctor Mine
Photographer [Date]:
This is the only known photo type of the Doctor Mine as per today (October 19, 2020) that I know about. Found on the DPL site as a not so good source quality and I have worked over the image to try bringing out details of this early Raven Hill mine. I also added in a coloring effect as it seemed to help adding to the image.
Image Note:
View is Colored, Enhanced, Cropped, Scaled from the DPL image X-62457Copyright Notice:
Copyright restrictions applying to use or reproduction of this image available from the Western History and Genealogy Dept., Denver Public Library, at, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#369]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
06.07.2017 (07:53:11)
Title on Image:
Anaconda, Colorado, the Centre of the Cripple Creek Gold Mining District. [Copyright 1901 by R.Y. Young]
Photographer [Date]:
R.Y. Young (?)
Card has a bad curve to it making it a little bit hard to scan as it will not lay flat. Also, while this image is copyrighted 1901, it can't be photographed that year as there are no sign of the Low Line grade which was built in 1900, but an email friend told me that the F. &. C.C. Boxcars and the 4-6-0 locomotive was starting to get delivered from April 1899, hence this view has a narrow timeframe to it, but it still is not a 1901 image, more summer 1899 possible. One of the most compelling evidences to me for it not being a 1901 or even a 1900 age image is the fact there is just no signs of the Mary McKinney crib-wall along the F. & C.C. roadbed. The one that is in this view is further up, closer to the mine itself. Comparing that to an image (DB-ID#145) I have from a different angle showing the Low Line roadbed without tracks on it, dating that one to 1900 as that is the year the Low Line was built (By September 1900 rails had reached Victor), where there is indeed the Cribbing further downhill along the railroad grade, I must date this to be at some unknown time before that time, and I would think Summer 1899 is a good date to have as a base-line.
The most prominent mine seen here is the Mary McKinney, just uphill from the F. & C.C. train seen about middle of view. Town of Anaconda is partly seen at bottom of view, while Raven Hill makes up the background with several mines seen. From an early Morning Glory mine, seen about 1/3 down on the image part and just right from the left-hand side of the image part, to structures belonging to the Jack Pot, the Doctor and the Ingham mines, plus several other shaft structures of the Work Company. Sadly, view is not the sharpest and best around so details are not easy to get out.
Image Note:
My Collection; Stereoviews.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#217]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: