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Media Info Last Updated:
15.04.2018 (08:38:46)
Title on Image:
Birds-Eye View of Elkton, Colo.
Photographer [Date]:
While the image quality is not that great due to the age and distance and all that, it still is a very important image to have! I struggle a little dating it as while it has a post stamp of 1908, I am unable to find the switchback from the M.T. up to the coal bins of Elkton Mine, which is shown on a USGS topographic map dated 1902/1903, which together with the showing of the Low Line which dates this after 1900, should narrow the timeframe down quite much, but the Elkton Mine structures gives me the impression this is way later then near 1900.

This due to the fact Sanborn 1900 (CC Sheet 17) shows a different structure here, while photo matches better with Sanborn 1908 map (CC Sheet 30). But then again, that later map fails to show some of the mine structures seen here so that suggest this view predates it. And as my USGS map show a spur not here I must admit that this is from a timeframe of less than 3-years. More research is needed.

Near bottom of this view lays a row of houses which forms the upper part of the settlement know as Eclipse, along Eclipse Gulch, stretching from about where F. & C.C. crosses the gulch and to around where the Economic Mill was further down the gulch at left, as far as I know.

The grade of the F. & C.C. is seen about 1/4 up from the bottom, with a passenger train near right-hand side, heading towards Cripple Creek. There are several mine operations seen below and above that grade, but my knowledge is way too limited to tell anything about any of them.

The town of Elkton is seen on the lower slope of Raven hill in the right-most half of the photo around middle of view top/down, where the large Elkton Mine makes up about center of this card, with the railroad grade of the M.T. running just left of the mine.

The Low Line is seen about 1/3 up from bottom near right-hand side, climbing the hill towards left and about middle top/down and about 1/3 in from left-hand side it changes directions and goes towards right, cross over the M.T. on trestle and passes the Elkton mine on the right side.

The Thompson large Shaft House (I think) is seen about center of view top/down and about 1/5 in from left-hand side, sadly I don't know of any Sanborn map of this structure, not that I can recall at the time of this writing [08.08.2017].

There is also another mine structure at right foreground of the Thompson, left of the Low Line grade, but I dare not guestimate a name for that mine, nor do I dare take a stab at the name of the ones seen inside the town of Elkton either. One is easy to spot, just right of the mainline of M.T. with a large dump area, the other is more hidden among houses, still with a dump though. One day I hope to learn all this, one day.

Raven Hill has it shares of mines as well, but the one I sort of care about is the Bostwick Shaft House, seen about 1/3 down from top and slightly right of center of view sideways, up from right-hand side of the Elkton mine.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Postcard; Published by unknown; titled Birds-Eye View of Elkton, Colo. - Published in ????.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#239]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
11.04.2018 (16:38:05)
Title on Image:
Looking Up Eclipse Gulch Towards Mines on Bull Hill in the Background, Possible Near the Old Site of the Mill I Love.
Photographer [Date]:
I am pretty certain this is on the former main road between Victor (behind and to the right) & Cripple Creek (into image towards left) where it went over the hills and valleys at a lower elevation then the railroads. I further believe this is as the road turn down into Eclipse Gulch, and that the valley up on the right-hand side is the Eclipse Gulch.

* The dump seen about 1/3 down from the top sticking into the view from right-hand edge would be the huge dump left after the Economic Mill burned down, at least that is what I think the dump is.

* Near the same edge, against the sky, the Blue Bird Mine can be seen as a darker spot, while the American Eagle is almost faded into the sky further to the left, about 1/4 in from right-hand side.

* The Shaft House of the old Bostwick Mine can be seen about 1/3 down from top and about 2/7 in from left-hand side.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#286]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
25.02.2017 (11:11:38)
Title on Image:
Bostwick Mine From North West
Photographer [Date]:
Frederick Leslie Ransome
This is not a great view, but it was the best I had, found years back on a USGS photo I have no other info about. Raven hill mines in background, up from Elkton.
Image Note:
Cropped view showing the Bostwick Shaft House; taken from a USGS photo named "Elkton Mine from Guyot Hill, October 5, 1903"; by Frederick Leslie RansomeCopyright Notice:
USGS I assume has the copyright.Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#19]
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