Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Eclipse Gulch / Squaw Mountain
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
Fate details:
Owned by:
- Charles G. Greenwood
-> 1895-11-05 [claim Map]
Known claims:
Claim Links:
Location Claim Description:
Patented Date:
Mineral Certificate No.:
General Land Office No.:
Known Transportation Connection:
Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:
Known Producing Info:
General notes:
This Plat map, while very broken up by other claims is very interesting and sort of important, as the name of the person filing it, Charles G. Greenwood, is associated with a tunnel project called Squaw Mountain Tunnel in various version of that name. And on this claim Plat Map it shows just such a long tunnel into the hill, making me sure this is the Squaw Mountain tunnel - cool!!!! :-)
Size of claim is tiny as there is only 0.398 Acres left of it, but it appears a tunnel has no need to own a claim as they cannot own a claim I've read somewhere, so it might not matter for the Squaw Mountain Tunnel people.
The Discovery Cut is almost at the northwest end of the claim, marked as a short Tunnel, just southwest of the very long tunnel talked about above. They both are on a strip of land that are still part of this claim, then some lost ground before a triangle small shape is found all alone along the northwest corner endline of the claim.
Inside the lost ground on this lode claim, there is shown a Cut and a Shaft in western portion around the Katie B., with a piece of owned land about middle of the lode claim along the south sideline, and near the marked end of the long tunnel.
About 1/4 northwest from the southeast border there is a small triangular shape piece of ground still part of the lode claim, and on the ground there is shown a third Tunnel going northeast into the Canuck claim or the Ray, both those shares some ground there. A tiny, tiny, tiny triangular shape of ground is shown along the southeast endline between other claims.
This following paragraph is about the extra map I made for myself with the rails drawn into the sort of homemade plat map edition. After hours of fiddling with what ended as 60 points in Global Mapper, I was able to pretty good match my 1902 claims overview map unto this claim so I could trace the tracks, and unless I have messed it up big it appears that the eastern mention tunnel is just below the M.T. tracks, at first I got the tracks lined up in front of it but some claims did not match so after fiddling with more points as mention, this was the result. I think it is pretty correct, but who really knows…
Sadly on the 1903ish USGS topomap there are no markings at all here, but it is not far off from being on top of a marking from a 1906 USGS Underground Workings map marking of a tunnel known as the E. B. Tunnel, which is also linked to the Squaw Mtn. Tunnel…