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Media Info Last Updated:
03.08.2017 (17:48:40)
Title on Image:
Maid of New Orleans and El Paso
Photographer [Date]:
J.E. Stimson
This image I've also found on the Internet at the Wyoming State Archives Photo Collection, dated as 1903 and photo by J.E. Stimson, which was a photographer of Cheyenne, Wyoming it seems. Sadly, that image is a thumbnail type only but to my eyes they are identical.
The view itself is of a printed bad quality type showing a view along the north slope of Beacon Hill with the F. & C.C. branch line down the hill to the Old Gold Mine seen coming down from its route towards the El Paso mine (misspelled in the Title as El Passo), this railroad line is seen more or less in the center of the image.
The small mine seen on the upper end of the railroad line, with the dump almost unto the tracks is said to be the New Orleans Mine, but I think it is more commonly known as the Orleans Mine.
Below the El Paso mine (seen about middle top/down and 1/3 in from right-hand side) is the structures of the C. K. & N. mine seen, hard to make out any details but the smokestack pokes up as a way to pick it out so to speak.
Image Note:
My Collection; From page 645 in the December 31, 1904 issue of The Mining World; scaled from a 600dpi scan.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Page 645; The Mining World (Volume 21, No. 27) - Published in 1904.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#231]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
25.02.2017 (11:12:52)
Title on Image:
Panoramic View of Beacon Hill, Showing Maid of Orleans at Extreme Left, Little Bessie in Foreground and El Paso, C. K. & N., etc., in Background.
Photographer [Date]:
This not so great view shows many of the mines on Beacon Hill. Extreme left is the Maid of Orleans, Little Bessie is in the foreground and the El Paso, C. K. & N., etc., is in the background middle. Far down valley at right hand side is part of the F. & C.C. switchback branch line down to the Henry Adney & Old Gold mines.
Image Note:
My Collection; Scan of a negative from pages 26-27 of "Seeing Cripple Creek", published in March 1905 (Vol. 4, Issue No. 4).Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- pages 26-27; Seeing Cripple Creek; March 1905 - Published in 1905.
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#25]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
24.02.2017 (17:48:14)
Title on Image:
Structures of the Maid of Orleans Mine on Beacon Hill.
Photographer [Date]:
This view shows the surface structures of the Maid of Orleans mine pretty nicely. But of course, I would have wished for this to be a true photograph. Because then I would most likely been able to better get a view of the finer details lost in this view here. Especially as there appears to be a short side spur to this side of the hoist house of the Mine, to drop of coal from a railroad car.
The El Paso branch line of the F. & C.C. is running down to that mine this side of the shaft house, while the short-lived switchback branch further down Beacon Hill was located on the other side, sort of visible on the left side of this view.
Image Note:
My Collection; Negative from printed source.Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#23]
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