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Media Info Last Updated:
15.07.2018 (08:56:34)
Title on Image:
Southwest Slope of Bull Hill, Cripple Creek District
Photographer [Date]:
Julia Skolas
This view at mining operations on Bull Hill, is hampered sadly by the fact that the paper this postcard is made on is one of those not so good one, and while it scanned useful it is not very good as the dark areas are just dark, and there is some silvery like parts in those darker area, also messing with my scan.

The scene itself is an interesting one, as it captures and identifying some of the mines at this area of Bull Hill, also shows the Golden Circle trackage in this area, with lots of small mine operations around on the ground, with homes and houses spread around and growing huge dumps.

In upper right corner the American Eagle Shaft House and mine operation is seen marked as 'Eagles' while further down along the right-hand side, the Ore-House of the Shurtloff No. 2 Mine is seen about 2/5 down – this had a side-spur, leaving the mainline of the Golden Circle about halfway up the route around Bull Cliffs on the south side, pieces of that spur is seen in lower foreground just above the word 'Cripple' in the card's title text along the bottom of this postcard view.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#331]
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