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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 37)
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 122 [CXXII], Issue No. 14Info Publication Date:
April 2, 1921Info found on page:
470Info Title:
Little May on Beacon Hill is Active Again
The Little May mine of the El Paso Consolidated company on the south-western slope of Beacon hill is again active under lease, and the ore is being sacked for shipment.
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 22.02.2020
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 107 [CVII], Issue No. 8Info Publication Date:
August 23, 1913Info found on page:
319Info Title:
Beacon Hill Active Mines
The active mines on Beacon hill include the Requa Savage, Gold Dollar, Black Belles, and Prince Albert on the eastern side, the Prince Albert and Hiawatha on the south, with the properties of the Henry Adney Gold Mining Co., the Henry Adney & Maid of Orleans, and the El Paso Consolidated estate with two shafts and an adit.
Notes/Text been Edited:
I've taken out the reference to the Commonwealth and put that for itselfAbove Info was Last Updated on 11.12.2021 (13:18:32)
Above Info was First Seen 10.11.2019
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 66 [LXVI], Issue No. 1711Info Publication Date:
November 7, 1912Info found on page:
xxviiInfo Title:
Sampling of El Paso Mine Completed
Sampling of the El Paso mine by Engineer T. R. Countryman has been completed. He had a crew of 10 men working nearly three months, making a complete check of every ore body in the mine figured from the top to the tunnel level. The check is thorough in every particular and upon it depends the construction of a low-grade mill for which preliminary plans have been made in the way of securing water rights, etc.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 09.07.2023 (08:51:50)
Above Info was First Seen 09.07.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 26Info Publication Date:
December 24, 1910Info found on page:
1275Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Getting Ready for Production
El Paso Consolidated—The fifth and sixth levels are being put in shape for production, and the pump on the sixth level will be raised in a few days.

These levels have been flooded for five years.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 26.12.2021 (16:02:12)
Above Info was First Seen 26.03.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 25Info Publication Date:
December 17, 1910Info found on page:
1225Info Title:
El Paso Lessees November Output
El Paso—The output of the El Paso mine for November by lessees was 75 cars, of an average value of $22.50 per ton. Machines have been put to work on the fifth level, and the sixth level is being cleaned out.

Now the lower levels have been unwatered, the output will be largely increased.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 26.12.2021 (07:52:05)
Above Info was First Seen 26.03.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 20Info Publication Date:
November 12, 1910Info found on page:
981Info Title:
Little May Mine to Reopen
El Paso Consolidated—The Little May, on Beacon hill, belonging to this company, closed for some weeks, and will be re-opened by D. J. Burke, lessee.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 24.12.2021 (19:35:01)
Above Info was First Seen 25.03.2010
Type/Category of Info:
Special/Editorial Correspondence
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 12Info Publication Date:
September 17, 1910Info found on page:
572Info Title:
Little May in Extraordinarily High-Grade
Denver, Sept. 10—A report comes from Cripple Creek that on the Little May claim, of the El Paso Consolidated property, a strike of extraordinarily high-grade ore has been made, and it is further stated that samples across the vein yield $1500 per ton in gold.

This mine is at the contact of a vertical plug of phonolite with the Pike's Peak granite of Beacon hill.
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Abstracted from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 24.12.2021 (08:17:34)
Above Info was First Seen 25.03.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 7Info Publication Date:
August 13, 1910Info found on page:
335Info Title:
El Paso Workings
El Paso—Work on the drill hole from the bottom of the El Paso shaft, to connect with the deep-drainage tunnel, has been delayed because of the nondelivery of casing.

Lessees operating on the Beacon Hill-Ajax claim of the El Paso company are breaking ore from a 5-ft. vein, discovered north of the shaft on the 400-ft. level.

During June 375 tons were shipped, while 125 tons have been produced from these workings this month, yielding $35 per ton. A strong vein is reported as having been cut by the deep-drainage tunnel in the Orizaba claim, but no tests were made by the tunnel contractor.

Excavation has been completed for the new No. 2 shafthouse, situated at the north end of Beacon hill.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 20.12.2021 (07:44:28)
Above Info was First Seen 24.03.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 5Info Publication Date:
July 30, 1910Info found on page:
233Info Title:
Little May of El Paso Worked Via Standard Tunnel
El Paso—Lessees operating block 28 through the Standard tunnel report a strike of sylvanite ore carrying 2 to 10 oz. gold per ton.

The strike is in Little May ground, and about 650 ft. below the surface.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 19.12.2021 (10:25:46)
Above Info was First Seen 24.03.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 62 [LXII], Issue No. 1590Info Publication Date:
July 21, 1910Info found on page:
68Info Title:
Little May Lessees in Promising Ore Shoot
An ore shoot of great promise has been opened up by Wilkie and associates, lessees from the El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Co., who are operating on block 28, on the south end of the estate, through the Standard tunnel.

The Standard tunnel, one of the first of this district, cuts through the El Paso Co.'s Little May claim at an approximate depth of 650 ft. Ore carrying sylvanite and returning values of from 2 to 10 ozs. gold to the ton was encountered.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 24.04.2023 (13:47:11)
Above Info was First Seen 24.04.2023
Type/Category of Info:
Special/Editorial Correspondence
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 90 [XC], Issue No. 3Info Publication Date:
July 16, 1910Info found on page:
134Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated June Production
Denver, July 11—The properties of the El Paso Consolidated Mining Company, on Beacon hill, in the Cripple Creek district, which are the first to be unwatered by the deep drainage tunnel, produced in June under the leasing system approximately 2500 tons, the average gold content of which was about $30 per ton. There are 40 sets of lessees in the mines.

Drilling of the 8-in. hole to connect with the drainage tunnel has been commenced. It is 14,484 ft. from the portal of the Roosevelt (more commonly known as the Deep Drainage) tunnel to a point 65-ft. east of the El Paso shaft, 14,000 ft. of which has been completed, leaving only about 484 ft. to be driven.
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Abstracted from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 18.12.2021 (15:41:04)
Above Info was First Seen 18.12.2021
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 60 [LX], Issue No. 1554Info Publication Date:
November 11, 1909Info found on page:
451Info Title:
El Paso Estate October Production
The properties of the El Paso Co. on Beacon hill, locally designated the El Paso estate, with the exception of certain blocks reserved for operation on company account, are operated under the leasing system, and the output for October by the 40 different sets of lessees totaled 80 cars, containing over 2,000 tons, with an average value of about $25 per ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 13.04.2022 (08:46:46)
Above Info was First Seen 22.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 99 [XCIX], Issue No. 2568; 15Info Publication Date:
October 9, 1909Info found on page:
483Info Title:
Little May Lease Given to Western Investment Co.
The Western Investment Co. has secured a lease on block 28 of the El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Co.'s Little May mine.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 27.04.2022 (22:39:06)
Above Info was First Seen 27.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 99 [XCIX], Issue No. 2562; 9Info Publication Date:
August 28, 1909Info found on page:
277Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Co. Has 30 Sets of Lessees Working Properties
There are 30 sets of lessees at work on the property of the El Paso Consolidated company and it is expected the August output will approximate 2000 tons.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 23.04.2022 (09:00:02)
Above Info was First Seen 23.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 99 [XCIX], Issue No. 2557; 4Info Publication Date:
July 24, 1909Info found on page:
107Info Title:
Little May Lessees in Calaverite Vein
Hanson & Stewart, leasing from the El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Co., have opened a 3-ft. vein on the 200-ft. level of the Little May mine that carries a high percentage of calaverite. The ore is being sacked for shipment.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 22.04.2022 (08:13:48)
Above Info was First Seen 22.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Western Investors Review. Volume: 15 [XV], Issue No. 12Info Publication Date:
July 1909Info found on page:
10-11Info Title:
Important Discovery in El Paso Ground
An important discovery for the El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Company, by reason of the distance south of previous ore shoots, has been made by lessees on Block 28, on the south end of the Little May claim.
Prospecting from the Little May shaft, at the 200-foot level, Lessees Stewart and Hanson in drifting south on the Little May vein, have opened up an ore body, characteristic of Beacon Hill, in that the quartz is enriched with large crystals of calaverite and high values have been shown by the assay tests.
The strike was made almost under the southernmost shaft on the El Paso estate, and had the miners who sunk the shaft carried their work another ten feet below their stopping point, they would have been handsomely rewarded.
The discovery, south of previous finds, is the more encouraging, as it will tend to increase activity in that section on properties on which prospectors are now at work.
The properties referred to are especially those of the Republic Gold Mining Company and the Beacon Consolidated Mining Company, the Rocky Mountain and North StarSlope claims.
In all, about 35 sets of lessees are at work on the El Paso estate, and with favorable conditions exacted by the company from its lessees, there are few blocks idle.
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Fixed erro in naming of claimInternet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 24.08.2023 (15:22:45)
Above Info was First Seen 19.10.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 98 [XCVIII], Issue No. 2548; 21Info Publication Date:
May 22, 1909Info found on page:
709Info Title:
El Paso April Output and Being Leased Hopes to Increase
The El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Co.'s estate that last year produced $243,000 under the leasing system has, with the exception of certain blocks reserved for operation on company account, been thrown open to lessees, and already 31 sets of lessees, employing about 150 miners, are at work. The royalties are graduated from 15% on low-grade milling ore to as high as 50% on the high grade.

Output in April amounted to 2000 tons of an average value of $27, and it is confidently expected that by the end of May production will be increased by adding to the number of lessees at work.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 20.04.2022 (18:58:09)
Above Info was First Seen 20.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
Special/Editorial Correspondence
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 98 [XCVIII], Issue No. 2547; 20Info Publication Date:
May 15, 1909Info found on page:
682Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Co. Has Let 31 Leases on Its Beacon Hill Estate
DENVER, COLORADO—The El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Co. has let 31 leases on its Beacon Hill estate. This mine will be the first benefited by the drainage tunnel, and vigorous preparations are being made to take advantage of that event.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 20.04.2022 (18:30:48)
Above Info was First Seen 20.04.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Science. Volume: 59 [LIX], Issue No. 1519Info Publication Date:
March 11, 1909Info found on page:
196Info Title:
El Paso February Output
The lessees on the El Paso dump have been shipping considerable ore, as also have the lessees on the various properties of that company.

The total output for February is something in excess of 1,900 tons.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 12.03.2022 (07:31:10)
Above Info was First Seen 17.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Sun. Volume: 76 [LXXVI], Issue No. 70Info Publication Date:
November 9, 1908Info found on page:
7Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Co. Property Developed by Leesees
COLORADO SPRINGS, Nov. 4.—The El Paso Consolidated Companies property, Cripple Creek, is being developed by 25 sets of lessees, the majority of whom are actively producing a good grade of ore. The monthly output is 80 cars. The ore averages $25 to $30 per ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 30.03.2024 (12:47:11)
Above Info was First Seen 28.07.2017
Type/Category of Info:
Special/Editorial Correspondence
Info Source From:
Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 96 [XCVI], Issue No. 2498; 23Info Publication Date:
June 6, 1908Info found on page:
765Info Title:
All El Paso Con. Gold Mining Co. Ground to Be Leased Out
DENVER, COLORADO.—The president of the El Paso Con. Gold Mining Co. has announced that all El Paso territory will be leased, despite the protest of J. F. Burns. Over 100 applications have been made for the few remaining blocks of ground.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 08.08.2023 (13:51:37)
Above Info was First Seen 08.08.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 28 [XXVIII], Issue No. 20Info Publication Date:
May 16, 1908Info found on page:
806Info Title:
El Paso Cons. G. M. Co. Has Adopted the Leasing System Exclusively
Cripple Creek—The El Paso Cons. Gold Mining Co. has adopted the leasing system exclusively and has now a score of leases operating above the water level. During the month 70 cars were sent out from these leases, the ore yielding about $30 a ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 25.12.2023 (11:33:18)
Above Info was First Seen 25.12.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining World. Volume: 27 [XXVII], Issue No. 12Info Publication Date:
September 21, 1907Info found on page:
486Info Title:
El Paso Mine to Be Leased Out
Cripple Creek.—The El Paso Con. Gold Mining Co. has decided to lease the entire workings above the 600 level. About everything below that is under water.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 04.12.2023 (10:55:15)
Above Info was First Seen 26.11.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Western Investors Review. Volume: 14 [XIV], Issue No. 2Info Publication Date:
July 1907Info found on page:
11Info Title:
Little May Lessee Strike High Grade at 250 Feet
Lewis McLeod, sinking on the Little May of the El Paso Consolidated Company, on Beacon Hill, is saving the high grade screenings from a huge and rich ore shoot recently entered in the 250-foot level.

McLeod admits saving ore, but declines to make public its value. The report is current here that the ore assays thousands of dollars to the ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 14.08.2023 (13:39:45)
Above Info was First Seen 14.08.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 53 [LIII], Issue No. 18Info Publication Date:
May 3, 1906Info found on page:
446Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Co. Secured Absolute Title to Beacon Hill Claims
The El Paso Consolidated company has secured absolute title to the Little May and Australia lodes on Beacon hill by the payment of $15,000 paid to the heirs of Benjamin Franklin.

This settles litigation which has been in the courts for some years.
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Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 18.02.2023 (11:30:31)
Above Info was First Seen 04.06.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 40Info Publication Date:
December 31, 1904Info found on page:
2Info Title:
Little May Lessee Bell Making Money
Colorado Springs, Dec. 26.—The showing on the Little May, of the El Paso, continues good, and Edward Bell, the operator, is in a fair way to make good money.

In the 225-foot level there is a streak of ore of almost solid sylvanite one-half inch in thickness that has enriched the ore to such an extent that the shipments are going better than $100 to the ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 07.10.2023 (19:56:01)
Above Info was First Seen 07.10.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 50 [L], Issue No. 26Info Publication Date:
December 29, 1904Info found on page:
711Info Title:
El Paso Happenings
El Paso.—For the past three months there has been shipped from this Beacon hill mine upwards of 135 cars of ore valued at about $260,000 and the gross production for the last half of the year has exceeded $500,000.
With the working force, which numbers 170 men, it is questionable if this record is exceeded by any in the district.
- The ore shipped is largely mined at present in 500, 600 and 700-foot northeast levels which are being extended into the recently acquired Beacon Hill-Ajax property.
- In the 700-foot level the water, amounting to about 120 gallons per minute, is dropped to the 800-foot level, thence pumped to the drainage tunnel at the 600-foot level.
- The present flow from the El Paso drainage tunnel amounts to about 4,700 gallons per minute as compared with 5,700 gallons three or four months ago.
- The Lonaconing mine, owned by the El Paso company, is now under lease to Wyatt and Burnside, who are making regular shipments, amounting to about ten cars monthly.
W. M. Bainbridge is the manager in charge of the El Paso company's mine operations.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 08.10.2022 (12:34:05)
Above Info was First Seen 17.05.2010
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 28Info Publication Date:
October 8, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
El Paso September 1904 Output
The tonnage from the El Paso, at Cripple Creek, for September, will amount to about 75 carloads, each containing 25 tons. The company will ship 45 cars, averaging between $80 and $100, and the balance will be the result of the lessees' operations, and will average $30 to the ton.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 26.09.2023 (12:25:10)
Above Info was First Seen 26.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 19Info Publication Date:
August 6, 1904Info found on page:
12Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Has Lot of Ore
Colorado Spring, August 4.—The El Paso Consolidated Company on Beacon Hill has enough ore in sight now to maintain the present rate of production for the next two years without doing another foot of development. That is saying considerable when the company is shipping about $150,000 worth of ore gross per month. This leaves a net profit of about $75,000 after all charges are subtracted.

Sinking has been suspended at a depth of 785 feet, or at a point 230 feet below the level. The stations are being cut, the seventh and eighth levels are to be extended and as soon as they are far enough away from the shaft, sinking will be resumed for an additional 200 feet, making the shaft 985 feet below the collar when completed.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Fixed a typo on the Beacon Hill spelling, source had 'Bacon'Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 22.09.2023 (08:36:48)
Above Info was First Seen 22.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 17Info Publication Date:
July 23, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
El Paso Going Great
The El Paso mine, which endeavored during the first few months of this year to keep the production down to $50,000 or the usual dividend, has been producing so heavily that it has been necessary to close the mine at various times, commencing as early as the 20th of the month in some cases.

As has been reported, it produced more than $100,000 last month, leaving $40,000 of ore in the bins to apply on the July production.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 21.09.2023 (08:18:57)
Above Info was First Seen 21.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 14Info Publication Date:
July 2, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated Doing Great
Colorado Springs, Col., June 29. The Beacon Hill properties of the El Paso Consolidated will produce during the present month the sum of nearly $100,000. The company is now working in the neighborhood of 150 men.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 18.09.2023 (08:04:58)
Above Info was First Seen 18.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 49 [XLIX], Issue No. 23Info Publication Date:
June 9, 1904Info found on page:
592Info Title:
El Paso May Shipments
El Paso.—This property on Beacon hill during the month of May shipped 900 tons which yielded values of $70 to the ton, or a total of $63,000. Besides this, four cars containing about 100 tons gave returns of $14,000 to the car, or $56,000 in all, making a gross total for the month $119,000.

With the exception of the Portland, no other property in the district can equal this big production.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 15.09.2022 (14:42:54)
Above Info was First Seen 15.09.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 4Info Publication Date:
April 23, 1904Info found on page:
4Info Title:
Beacon Hill Properties Doing Well
Beacon hill territory is in great demand by scores of lessees who are anxious to secure any kind of a block of ground in this section. The El Paso, C. K. & N. and Old Gold companies are making splendid records, while the Little May, Prince Albert and Henry Adney properties are doing well.

The latest strike of importance is one in the Valley View claim of the Spar company, where a good body of ore is said to have been opened.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.09.2023 (08:05:01)
Above Info was First Seen 10.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
Mining Reporter. Volume: 49 [XLIX], Issue No. 3Info Publication Date:
January 21, 1904Info found on page:
69Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated in Splendid Shape
El Paso Consolidated.—It is stated that this Beacon hill property is now looking better than at any time during the past year. The manager states that although the recent stories of a great strike having been made are not true, still the mine is in splendid shape.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 26.08.2022 (08:35:27)
Above Info was First Seen 26.08.2022
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
PROFITS; A Journal of Finance and Mining Worth While. Volume: 3 [III], Issue No. 34Info Publication Date:
November 21, 1903Info found on page:
4Info Title:
El Paso Consolidated G. M. Co. Mine in Splendid Condition
The El Paso Consolidated Gold Mining Company mine is in splendid condition, and the ore being marketed runs from $40 to $60 per ton.
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Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 01.09.2023 (13:19:39)
Above Info was First Seen 01.09.2023
Type/Category of Info:
Mine Info
Info Source From:
Colorado State Mining Directory 1898; Buyer's Guide to Representative Mining Machinery and Supply Houses of America. Info Publication Date:
1898Info found on page:
198Info Title:
Little May Mine (Beacon Hill)
Principal Producing Cripple Creek Mines - 1898:

Name: Little May Mine (Beacon Hill)

Owner: Beacon Hill Gold Mining Co.







Manager: James Doyle, Victor

Lessees: Little May Gold Mining Co., Cripple Creek

Description: 160-foot shaft; 40-horse power boiler, 25-horse power Fairbanks-Morse hoist.



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Changed from sentence formInternet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 28.03.2024 (09:13:36)
Above Info was First Seen 10.04.2011
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 4 [IV], Issue No. 4Info Publication Date:
January 27, 1894Info found on page:
14Info Title:
Ad; Beacon Hill Gold Mining Co.
Cripple Creek Gold Mines

offer the greatest inducements for the investment of capital

and now is the time to secure interests by becoming stockholders

in companies backed by mines of merit and known value.

The Beacon Hill Gold Mining Company

is offering a limited amount of stock at

25 Cents Per Share.

The company is capitalized for $1,000,000, divided into 1,000,000

shares of a par value of $1,00 per share, and is at present working


one of its mines, which is making regular ore shipments.

No expensive offices or agents to be paid,

but all business done from the home office at Cripple Creek,

so that every dollar received from the sale of stock goes

into the actual expense of developing the company's property.

We promise no dividends in advance of ore production. The company

is now driving tunnel expecting to cut one of the richest veins

known to be in the district and runs through Beacon Hill.

Any day should these discoveries be made brightens

the possibilities of dividends for


Address all orders for stock to the secretary,

who will furnish prospectus on application.

References given and correspondence solicited.

J. E. PHILLIPS, Secretary,

Cripple Creek, Colo.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 30.01.2024 (08:09:02)
Above Info was First Seen 29.01.2024