This page has a total of 2 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
28.09.2022 (11:51:48)
Title on Image:
Anaconda A Mining Town In the Cripple Creek Dist.
Photographer [Date]:
This is a GREAT view I JUST had to GET!!! Hopefully this is made of better paper than my 2012 edition of this card, as on that one, lots of small sort of bubbles and scan not so sharp and well. In addition there was alot of reflections in it, and, the image is way dark and do not enhance very well.

But, for the view it shows, and the areas I can see it sure beats having no such view at all!! :-)

And, this is still the first image I ever seen showing what I believe is the Anaconda Mill up on Gold Hill above the Low Line grade between the Anchoria-Leland and the Mary McKinney mine in this view!
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#490]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
25.02.2017 (11:18:30)
Title on Image:
Anaconda Gulch, Between Raven and Gold Hills, the Scene of Several Recent Discoveries.
Photographer [Date]:
While not the greatest quality it is still a nice show of the mining operations in this part of the District, upper Squaw Gulch, or Anaconda Gulch as I've also seen it called.

* In lower left front is a mine often known as the Peggy Mine, with lot of trestle work, large head frame and ore-house. Belonging in 1904/1905 to the Peggy G. M. Company.

* Just above the Peggy is the mining operation of Colorado Boss No. 3 - I think – could be on the Mary McKinney claim, hard to tell. The source text to this image said this is the Sharp lease on the Colorado Boss of the Cripple Creek Consolidated, but claim maps are hard to decode as there is so much overlap.

* All the way to the right-hand side of this view is the Morning Glory No. 4 mine operations. Belonging to the Work company.

Behind the former mention mines is the roadbed of the Low Line electric, also used by Short Line steam trains to serve mines along the line. It curves alongside Gold Hill, and that leads us to the left-hand side of the view, the upper left third part where one see a large fill on the Low Line with part of the spur up the Index mine cutting into the hill – the mine itself is out of view to the left.

There are several mines in this area as well, the top of the ridge hints of some, but the quality is too bad to say anything about them.

Two dumps are seen between the ridge-line and the Low Line roadbed, the left most is the small operation of the Union Bell mine, while the more hidden part near middle of view top, I really do not know at this time of writing [11.01.2017].
Image Note:
From page 442 in Mining Magazine of May 1905.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Page 422; Mining Magazine (Volume 11); May 1905 - Published in 1905.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#50]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: