This page has a total of 2 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
18.11.2021 (17:04:03)
Title on Image:
The Gold Sovereign Property, on Bull Hill
Photographer [Date]:
This is not the best quality image, but as I have not seen this view before I am happy to have what I have. View is at the south west slope of Bull Hill, taken from Raven Hill. It shows many mines and is an illustrative view at how mining looks as there are many small dumps, but also several large ones.

* Up at upper left the American Eagle mine is seen against the sky, while the John A. Logan mine is just below a slightly bit to the left, with a huge dump in-front of it.

* In upper right corner is the Blue Bird mine, also with a huge dump.

* In foreground bottom, about center, I think the Mary L. mine operation is seen.

* Across the gulch, large dump almost at bottom I think the Ben Harrison tunnel operation is seen.

* The Dante mine is about center near top, seen as huge crib-walls, with the dumps of the Orpha May mine seen against the sky above.

* The Gold Sovereign is some of the dumps at the left side, spread up the hill.

I did procure the colored version of the image, source was gray-toned, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes, including straightening and cropping this view.
Image Note:
Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Page 79; The Cripple Creek Times; New Years 1903 - Published in 1903.
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#440]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
30.10.2021 (10:13:02)
Title on Image:
Nightingale Mine, Bull Hill, Cripple Creek, Colo.
Photographer [Date]:
This is a look at Bull Hill mines from nearby Raven Hill with two men operating on the Nightingale Mine in the foreground. A little in near the right-hand side the top of the Headframe at the Maggie Mine is seen, with what I assume is their Ore house poking up at the left of the headframe.

About 1/3 down from top, left-hand side, the Head Frame and Ore House of the Gold Sovereign Mine is seen being built up, I think this is the Jackson shaft, or Main Shaft, or No. 1 shaft, of the Gold Sovereign but has not been able to fully confirm that feel. The Tunnel portal of the Gold Sovereign is in the same area. Either way, this also marks the end of a spur/branch-line of the Short Line down from the High Line, named the Gold Sovereign Branch.

This spur passes also the now large operations on the Trilby Mine, seen about 1/3 from top and 1/3 in from right-hand side where there are both a multilevel Ore house but also a Cyanide Mill, partly seen to the right of the orehouse.

Further uphill, about 1/10 from top and about ¼ in from right-hand side the Dante No. 2 Mine is seen up along the High Line with the Blue Bird looming against the sky just to the left. Further left about 1/3 in from left-hand side the Dante No. 1 shaft is seen with most likely the Gold Sovereign No. 2 Whisper Shaft almost at upper left corner.

I did procure the colored version of this image. Source was grayish, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes at the moment. I know of 11 editions of this view created at one time, two Magic Lantern types and nine Stereoviews as of today Oct. 27, 2021.
Image Note:
My Collection; Magic Lanterns. Cropped 1200dpi view without the frame. I did procure the colored version of this image. Source was grayish, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes at the moment.Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#414]
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