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Excelsior Lode
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 8)
Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
The Herald Democrat. Volume: 13 [XIII]
Info Publication Date:
March 19, 1892
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Anaconda G. M. Co. Workings

The mines of the Anaconda company are regarded as the greatest wonders of the Cripple Creek district. They consist of three claims on the southeastern slope of Gold hill, the Superior, Great View and Anaconda; one across the gulch, on what I believe is called Little Bull mountainEnnis Mountain [aka Raven Hill], the Rose Maud; and three in Squaw gulch, directly south of Gold hill, the Excelsior, Oro Fino and Grover Cleveland.

The principal developments have been in the three first named, although a shaft is being rapidly sunk on the fourth, the Rose Maud, with gratifying results.

The chief interest in the Superior, Great View and Anaconda is in the manner in which they are being opened, the counterpart of their workings, present and prospective, being found nowhere else in this country, I believe, save at the Father De Smet mine, at Deadwood.

A very extensive dyke of mineralized porphyry runs across Gold hill northeast and southwest, and these claims extend along its coarse their entire length. The apex of the vein is in places scarcely more than six feet from the surface. On the southeast a distinct wall of porphyry is outlined. On the northwest seventy-five feet of prospecting had, at the time I visited the property, failed to disclose any wall.

The company started in on the southeast end-line of the three claims, and are working northwestward, by a series of open cuts and shallow shafts, it being intended to strip the vein, its entire length within their lines, of the shallow surface, and quarry from the top, precisely as granite is quarried.

To a certain depth this of course can be done more economically than any other way, and the future is already being provided against by the running of a tunnel into the hill from the level of the gulch.

At present the development has the appearance of a wide cut in the hillside, as if made for a railroad. Timbering will of course not be necessary, or at least only a small amount of cribbing on the upper side line, to prevent the surface ground from falling into the workings.

There will be, for a long time to come, and until water level is reached, no water to contend with, no timbering and no bad air. The work of extracting the ore will be carried on in the sunlight, the product will be loaded on to wagons at the surface, and transported down to the mill or the railroad in the gulch below.

Thus it will be seen the Anaconda's chief property constitutes an ideal mine.

The Rose-Maud, and the three claims in the same consolidation down the hill and across the gulch, are separate propositions, but if the reasonable expectations of the owners are realized, the Rose-Maud is likely to develops into a bonanza itself.

The vein material which I saw being loaded from the mines on Gold Hill was complex, and I should say that if the same general characteristics continue, the bulk of the product will be shipped to the smelters in the valley, as but little of it, comparatively speaking, is free milling.

There are thin streaks of crystalized quartz found in cavities, resembling some ore I saw taken from the Amethyst mine at Creede; there are also streaks of tellurium, not dissimilar to that of Boulder county, and again rich streaks of coarse free gold.

In seams between the rocks is found considerable quantities of a coarse mineralized gravel, and the manager told me all of this was being shipped, its contents being about as valuable as the quartz or the tellurium.

I washed several pans of this dirt, and found colors, as well as black sand, said to be rich in gold contents.

The Anaconda company owns a fifteen stamp mill, which I have before referred to, at the mouth of Squaw gulch, now running on selected lots of ore, but of insufficient capacity to handle any large percentages of the possible product.

A comfortable office has also been erected at the foot of Gold hill, where some very seductive samples of mineral from the various properties in the vicinity are exhibited.

From statements made to me by different parties, and which pass current on the ground, as to the precious metal contents of the ores, I have compiled the exhibit of values appended, and is given for what it is worth:

Claim. Average
Smelter or
Mill Returns.
Rose Maud (stamp mill) $200 $2,000
Great View $50 to $500 $90
Anaconda $217.87 $1,050
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted and somewhat rewritten from source article dealing with the District, by C. C. Davis
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 14.01.2024 (17:28:14)
Above Info was First Seen 19.01.2011

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 55 [LV], Issue No. 10
Info Publication Date:
March 11, 1893
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Anaconda Mine Resumed Work to Supply French Mill
Anaconda Mining Company—The mine resumed work on the 1st inst., after being shut down for nearly five months. Only a small force was put to work, the intention being to develop the property and get it into shape for an extensive output when the French mill is started in April, as the company is under contract to furnish the mill 40 tons of ore daily.
graphic for visual presentation of text The mine will be in charge of Mr. Hoskins.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 03.04.2024 (16:40:22)
Above Info was First Seen 23.02.2012

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Engineering and Mining Journal. Volume: 55 [LV], Issue No. 19
Info Publication Date:
May 13, 1893
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Anaconda Mining Co. Shipment Returns
Anaconda Mining Company.—The returns of the recent shipment of ore to Denver smelters have been received. Twenty-two tons of high and low grade ore was sent.
graphic for visual presentation of text The high grade ran $430 to the ton, and the low grade $130. These are the best results from Anaconda ore which have yet been had.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 05.04.2024 (11:36:25)
Above Info was First Seen 23.02.2012

Type/Category of Info:
Mine Info
Info Source From:
Colorado State Mining Directory 1898; Buyer's Guide to Representative Mining Machinery and Supply Houses of America.
Info Publication Date:
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Anaconda Group
Principal Producing Cripple Creek Mines - 1898:
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of textName: Anaconda
graphic for visual presentation of textOwner: Anaconda Gold Mining Co.
graphic for visual presentation of textCapital: $5,000,000
graphic for visual presentation of textPresident: D. H. Moffat
graphic for visual presentation of textVice-President:
graphic for visual presentation of textSecretary: R. H. Reid
graphic for visual presentation of textTreasurer: Geo. E. Ross-Lewin
graphic for visual presentation of textSuperintendent:
graphic for visual presentation of textManager: N. H. Cone
graphic for visual presentation of textLessees:
graphic for visual presentation of textDescription: 4,500-foot tunnel; steam
graphic for visual presentation of textEmployes: seventy-five employes
graphic for visual presentation of textContact: postoffice. Anaconda.
graphic for visual presentation of textNotes: own Anaconda group
Notes/Text been Edited:
Changed from sentence form
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 22.03.2024 (17:19:38)
Above Info was First Seen 07.04.2011

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 5 [V], Issue No. 322
Info Publication Date:
April 27, 1898
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Excelsior Lessees Will Ship Soon
graphic for visual presentation of textOF HADDON AND COMPANY
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textINITIAL SHIPMENT.
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textLessees Will Send Out Their First Consignment Soon.
graphic for visual presentation of text J. A. Haddon and company, holding a lease on the northeast block of the Excelsior, just above the old McQuarrie block, will make their initial shipment in a few days. They have saved up some twenty tons, which assays indicate will run somewhere between two and four ounces of gold to the ton.
graphic for visual presentation of text The lessees took possession of an old abandoned shaft some 90 feet deep, and after considerable development work have located the ore and are ready to begin production.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 06.02.2021

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 5 [V], Issue No. 323
Info Publication Date:
April 28, 1898
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Excelsior Lessees Ships Rich Ore to Sampler
graphic for visual presentation of textRYAN AND HANLEY'S SHIPMENTS.
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textRICH SHIPMENTS
graphic for visual presentation of text—————————
graphic for visual presentation of textRyan and Hanley Getting Rich Ore From Excelsior.
graphic for visual presentation of text Two more carloads of ore were sent yesterday to the sampler from the Ryan and Hanley lease on the Anaconda company's Excelsior claim on Gold hill. Previous shipments have been running from $250 to $350 per ton, and this shipment is fully up to the average.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 10.02.2021

Type/Category of Info:
Info Source From:
Electricity. Volume: 16 [XVI], Issue No. 23
Info Publication Date:
June 14, 1899
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Excelsior on Gold Hill Got Large Electric Hoist
Colorado Springs, Col.—The Anaconda Gold Mining Company has just purchased a 30 horse-power electric hoist which has been placed on the Excelsior of that company.
graphic for visual presentation of text The hoist was supplied from the Colorado Electric Power Company.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 01.04.2024 (19:02:02)
Above Info was First Seen 19.02.2012

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Western Investors Review. Volume: 15 [XV], Issue No. 11
Info Publication Date:
June 1909
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Excelsior Lessees Opened Rich Ore Body
A rich ore body has been opened up on the Excelsior lode mining claim on Gold hill by Sol Serf and associates, lessees from the Mary McKinney Mining company.
Internet Source Text Link(s) {Found/Seen/Known]:
Above Info was Last Updated on 24.08.2023 (10:29:32)
Above Info was First Seen 24.08.2023