General/Base Info:
Grover Cleveland Lode
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Info Last updated: 22.04.2024 (11:30:00)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
18.03.1892 (Date of Amended Location Certificate)
Squaw Gulch
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • Anaconda Gold Mining Company
      -> 1892-03-19 [reported As Owners]
      -> 1893-03-16 [claim Map]
    • Anaconda Mining Company
      -> 1901-01 [reported As Owner]
    Known claims:
    • Grover Cleveland Lode - 7902
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      General notes:
      Map is interesting for various reason. It is part of several claims under one Survey Number, it shares some common grounds with other claims with same Survey number, and while this particular claim has lost some ground to a conflicting claim named Rustler, most of it seems intact and it is a fun claim to watch the map of!
      graphic for visual presentation of text Starting in southwest there are many Buildings shown, together with a road that divides, and a Gulch is also marked out crossing the claim. The structures are all part of the town of Barry, later called just Anaconda from the mine that is best known as Anaconda, which is located on this claim here along a second road drawn in further northeast. Same location holds two Buildings, one more or less in Rustler ground, but, the Tunnel opening seen between the two structures are on the ground of the Grover Cleveland claim.
      graphic for visual presentation of text Uphill east of this tunnel opening the Discovery Shaft is marked, on top of the tunnel and on the border of ground lost to the before mention Rustler claim. West of this discovery shaft there is drawn a second Shaft and a third Shaft is marked at the corner N.E. of the discovery shaft where the Anaconda claim meets a triangular shape lost to the Rustler claim, and just west of the tunnel that shifts direction from northerly to easterly. Way up north, in ground lost to the Rustler claim there is also marked a Trench that extend east into the Rustler claim where it don't overlap this claim.
      graphic for visual presentation of text The Grover Cleveland would have been crossed by the roadbeds of the F. & C. C., the M.T. and the Low Line would also cross it by the time year 1900 is here. None of them is on the map as it is way to early for them.