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Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:
Known Producing Info:
General notes:
Location of Placer is given to be in Cripple Creek Gulch in one Wanted Ad in Morning Times May 26, 1898 on page 3. This map is very interesting due to the fact that in addition to showing the Cripple creek it shows in the northern part of the map several cabins & houses, but more interesting and great, what I believe is the Gold and Globe mill!!! Location fits my old 1902/03 topographic map quite well, and the look of the drawing fits the layout of the mill quite well, the only sad part is that there are no road drawn in on this map. :-( I can not say for 100% certainty this is the right mill, but for now hold on to that idea. Other then that the map is interesting as it gives an early glimpse to workings along the creek known as Cripple creek where there was located quite many items, from a Shaft in northwest corner to several Barns and Houses as mention along east side of the creek, including a House and Mill structure and what is label as another House with a Shaft and Drift, and a Dam on the creek it self. Cabins are also marked out along the creek, of course Placer Workings are noted way south, I see an Adit also marked east side on the lower 1/4 part of the placer claim.
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