Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Eclipse Gulch
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
Fate details:
Owned by:
- Crystal Mining and Milling Company
-> 1893-10-07 [claim Map]
- Frank G. Peck, Trustee
-> 1896-12-21 [Amended claim Map]
- Frank G. Peck
-> 1897-12-02 [Patent Certificate Issue Date]
- Columbine Gold Mining Company
-> 1897-12-02 [Patent Certificate Issue Date]
- Columbine-Victor Deep Mining and Tunnel Company
-> 1900 [reported Owns Via Controlling Stock]
-> 1901-01 [reported Have Controlling Interest]
Known claims:
- Requa Monarch Lode - 8456
Claim Links:
Location Claim Description:
Patented Date:
Mineral Certificate No.:
General Land Office No.:
Known Transportation Connection:
Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:
Known Producing Info:
General notes:
Part of a 2-lodes Plat Map with a combined acreage of 9.199 Acres on the Amended Plat Map where some Red Ink Note Text has corrected the acreage down from 9.256 Acres due to a conflict with the Sitting Bull No.2 claim as it eats into the Requa Monarch part of this claim group.
Originally the group was much bigger in acreage as it was a whole 16.956 Acres on the original Plat Map, but the Monte Christo part of the group lost about 4/5 of its size due to the Arequa Townsite.
For the Requa Monarch, the Plat Maps are quite boring, being cut into two pieces by other claims. The western smaller has the Discovery Shaft and a Tunnel marked out, rest of the claim got buried under the dump of the Economic mill running up Eclipse Gulch.
Neither the Discovery Shaft or the tunnel northwest from Eclipse Gulch is shown on the 1903ish topographic map from USGS, but that map has what appears to be a tunnel marking on the Monte Christo part of this group, making me wonder if the Plat Maps has error in them as the tunnel as marked on the Plat Map seems to not fit the scenery on the ground and errors do happen from time to time.