
Has Bought a Lot of Property in Various Parts of the Camp That Is Considered Very Valuable.



For a long time people have been hearing about the Little Johnnie Gold Mining company, that has owned so much good property in the state of Colorado, and whose articles of incorporating were filed with the secretary of state a long time ago, but have just been filed in Teller county.

In addition to the Little Johnnie mine, the company owns the Victoria mine on Guyot hill, just above Anaconda, and next below the Mary McKinney; the Constantinople mine on Beacon hill; the Olga lode, between the Victoria and the Work properties; and a half dozen other good prospects.

In addition to these, the Little Johnnie company owns the Radical mine on the south slope of Bull hill, adjoining the Jerry Johnson mine, and the Helena and Corfus claims, north of Grassy, adjoining the Dome City, and Mattie Williams and Sunshine.

Of these, the Little Johnnie, of course, is patented and is being worked, and the Radical is leased. The Little Johnnie company owns good prospects on every good hill in the camp except Battle mountain, and bids fair to become a prime favorite with everybody.

The amended articles of incorporation filed yesterday with the clerk and recorder of deeds shows that the capital stock has been increased from one million to one million and a half, and that the new directors, caused by the change of the principal place of business to Cripple Creek, are:

John Buzans, president

Owen Prentiss, vice-president

John Baer, secretary and treasurer

The Little Johnnie mine, from which this company derives its name, is located on the strike of the great Orizaba vein on Beacon hill, between the Rocky Mountain and the Morgan, over which there has been so much excitement lately.

The stamps on the deed yesterday shows that the property deeded to the company is worth $100,000, and there is other property yet to be deeded.