Detailed/More Info:
Engineers Luck Lode
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 2)
Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 118 [CXVIII], Issue No. 10
Info Publication Date:
March 8, 1919
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Engineers Luck in Luck
E. B. Mack is saving ore at the Engineer, a Mineral hill property. Mack is driving on the vein in an adit, and ore in the bins will ship at about 1 oz. per ton.
graphic for visual presentation of text This is the only property on Mineral hill that is active at present.
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 04.03.2020

Type/Category of Info:
General Mining News
Info Source From:
The Mining and Scientific Press. Volume: 123 [CXXIII], Issue No. 5
Info Publication Date:
July 30, 1921
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Engineers Luck is a Producer
Mineral hill in the western end of the district has a producer in the Engineer's Luck, a fractional claim. Thompson & Mark, who opened ore on the Ella W., have repeated and are mining ore from a strong vein in the brecciated area that will assay at about one ounce of gold per ton.
graphic for visual presentation of text A 30-ton shipment was sent down to the Golden Cycle mill recently.
Above Info was Last Updated on 30.10.2020 (11:04:30)
Above Info was First Seen 14.02.2020