This page has a total of 2 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
28.09.2022 (11:51:48)
Title on Image:
Anaconda A Mining Town In the Cripple Creek Dist.
Photographer [Date]:
This is a GREAT view I JUST had to GET!!! Hopefully this is made of better paper than my 2012 edition of this card, as on that one, lots of small sort of bubbles and scan not so sharp and well. In addition there was alot of reflections in it, and, the image is way dark and do not enhance very well.
But, for the view it shows, and the areas I can see it sure beats having no such view at all!! :-)
And, this is still the first image I ever seen showing what I believe is the Anaconda Mill up on Gold Hill above the Low Line grade between the Anchoria-Leland and the Mary McKinney mine in this view!
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#490]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
28.09.2022 (10:45:16)
Title on Image:
#574; Mary McKinney Mine, Cripple Creek District
Photographer [Date]:
Julia Skolas
I've seen this image used three times, for this card and another postcard where there are a couple of extra millimeters visible on the right-hand side, plus I've seen it used in a postcard folder.
The view is from the railroad side of the Mary McKinney mine, showing several box cars parked on sidings nearby and at the mine itself. It also shows part of Anaconda at right-hand side about 1/3 up from bottom, the part that survived the 1904 fire, as I see no signs of structures at left side of image, and I believe there should been visible something there if the town was still there.
The tracks in the foreground belong to the Midland Terminal, but the Mary McKinney mine was once served by dual gauge as the F. & C.C was also having a spur to the mine, entering in from left-hand side, running parallel with the Shaft House to serve that and the coal bins at the power plant seen with all those smokestacks to the right of the shaft-house.
Behind the smokestacks of the Power House of the Mary McKinney you can see the Ore House of the Anaconda Mine, located down by the F. & C.C. yard in Anaconda, but image is too bad to really make out any details. Which is sad, as up on Gold Hill seen in the background, there is seen the Shaft House of the Anchoria-Leland about 1/4 in from right-hand side and about same from top, with the Ore-House and trestle of the Lexington Mine seen just to the right of the Anchoria-Leland.
Or even more sad, there is visible a mill on the hill side above the Low Line grade, seen about 1/3 down from top and 1/7 in from right-hand side, a mill I believe might be known as Anaconda Mill, but I might be mistaken where that mill was located as info been a little scarce, but it fit the location of west slope Gold Hill.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- no. 4; Souvenir Postcard Folder called VICTOR and CRIPPLE CREEK DISTRICT Souvenir Folder - "Greatest Gold Camp on Earth" - Published in ????.
- Postcard; Published by H.H.T. Co.; Numbered 574, titled Mary McKinney Mine, Victor, Colorado - Published in ????.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#279]
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