B. & M. Mining and Development Co. Buys Claims
Messrs., E. F. Highland, G. W. Vallery and Mattews, officials of the Burlington route, Denver, were visitors in the camp yesterday. Mr. Highland is president and the other gentlemen are directors in the B. & M. Mining and Development company.
They have made recent purchases of six mining claims:
the H.E. and the E.D.F. on Galena hill, north of Grassy
the Pay-Car, located on Trachyte mountain
the Victor Hugo, Victor Independence and Georgia Taylor on Big Bull mountain.
The Victor Hugo is a patented claim near the foot of the mountain. It is developed by a tunnel forty feet and a shaft has been sunk sixty-five feet and a contract has been let to sink an additional fifty feet. A strong vein has been opened and it is claimed a considerable quantity of pay ore is in sight.
A contract has just been let by the company to J. W. Essley to sink a shaft 100-feet on the Pay-Car lode Trachyte.