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New Discovery Lode
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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 2)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Deeds
Info Source From:
The Morning Times. Volume: 3 [III], Issue No. 199
Info Publication Date:
December 7, 1895
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Last Chance #2, New Discovery, Jewell House lodes - Mining Deed
graphic for visual presentation of text——————
graphic for visual presentation of textFrom matters of record at the office of the county recorder:
graphic for visual presentation of text Alfred M. Grant to Albert Wagner, mining deed—Dated Nov. 29, '95; consideration $1; undivided ¼ interest in the Last Chance No. 2 lode and New Discovery lodes, and undivided ½ interest in the Jewell House lode, Cripple Creek mining district.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 10.10.2021 (18:51:24)
Above Info was First Seen 13.06.2021

Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 10 [X], Issue No. 46
Info Publication Date:
November 18, 1899
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Molly Dwyre Mining Co. Inquiry
Molly Dwyre Mining Co.
graphic for visual presentation of text 4533. (Shaker Station, Ct.) Will you kindly state your opinion of the Molly Dwyre stock recently offered at 3½ cents per share by the Ramsay C. Bogy Investment Co., Equitable building, ground floor, Stout street side, Denver, Colo.?
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of text Ans.: This company is capitalized for 1,500,000 shares, par value $1 per share, fully paid and non assessable. It has about $1,700 cash in the treasury and about 200,000 shares of stock, with no debts.
graphic for visual presentation of text It owns the Molly Dwyre claim on Gold Hill (United States receiver's receipt), adjoining the Robert E. Lee and Blanch claims of the Blue Bell Company, also adjoining the Independence, of the Mutual Company, and in the immediate vicinity of properties of such well-known companies as the Alamo, the Anchoria Leland, the Anaconda, the Jack Pot, the Lexington, and other prominent shippers.
graphic for visual presentation of text The company also owns the New Discovery (patented) on Squaw mountain, adjoining the Viola of the Cripple Creek Consolidated Company, and within a few hundred feet of the Alpine, of the same company, also adjoining the Black Diamond of the American Consolidated Company and very near many other well and favorably known properties.
graphic for visual presentation of text Mr. J. A. Sill, of the Union Gold Company, of Colorado Springs, Colo., is president; Mr. John C. Mitchell, cashier of the Denver National Bank, is vice-president; Mr. A. W. Chamberlin, of Denver, is secretary and treasurer.
graphic for visual presentation of text Work is being pushed on the Molly Dwyre claim. The stock is listed on the Colorado Springs exchange among the prospects, which, of course, assures a ready market for it. The latest quotation on it is about four cents. Since being put on the open market, the price has fluctuated between 3 and 5 cents on this stock.
graphic for visual presentation of text Work on the Molly Dwyre claim is making a good showing, and very good assays, we understand, have already been secured and good veins found in places. The location of the property is good, and prospects are considered favorable for the company.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 12.02.2024 (18:12:33)
Above Info was First Seen 12.02.2024