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Info Database Last Updated 08.04.2024 (Entity News entries: 1)
Type/Category of Info:
Mining Inquiries
Info Source From:
United States Investor. Volume: 11 [XI], Issue No. 4
Info Publication Date:
January 27, 1900
Info found on page:
Info Title:
Union Gold Mining Co. Inquiry
Union and Colorado Mining Stocks.
graphic for visual presentation of text 4718. (Schenectady, N. Y.) Please inform me regarding what you think of the Union gold mines as an investment? What gold mine stock do you consider the best for an investment? What is a good low priced stock for a speculation?
graphic for visual presentation of text
graphic for visual presentation of text Ans.: The Union Gold Mining Company owns 35 acres of patented ground on Bull Hill, which has produced $950,000 and paid over $84,000 in dividends. The entire property is being worked under lease at royalties ranging from 30 to 50 per cent. The company is capitalized at 1,250,000 $1 shares. The stock is very favorably regarded in Colorado, and was quoted at about 44c. on January 19.
graphic for visual presentation of text It would be invidious to single out one particular gold stock as the best for an investment, but, among others, may be mentioned Elkton, Isabella, Portland, Vindicator, Gold Coin, etc. The same remark applies as to a good low-priced stock for a speculation, as there are a number of about equal merit, on the best selection from which probably no two equally well informed persons would exactly agree.
Notes/Text been Edited:
Abstracted and slightly rewritten from source text.
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Above Info was Last Updated on 15.02.2024 (19:24:00)
Above Info was First Seen 15.02.2024