General/Base Info:
Huntington Mill
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Info Last updated: 09.04.2024 (09:58:48)
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Arequa Gulch
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • Huntington Mill Company
      -> Seen Name Linked to Entity
    Known claims:
      Location Claim Description:
      Patented Date:
      Mineral Certificate No.:
      General Land Office No.:
      Known Transportation Connection:
        Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

        Known Producing Info:
        General notes:
        The first info from Dec. 1892 gave the impressiin this mill was near town of Cripple Creek, but the name is confusing as the Huntington mill is also a brand for some machinery, so this mill might be already known under another name... So, I link this to be near the Cooper Placer for time being.
        graphic for visual presentation of text
        graphic for visual presentation of text The Rocky Mountain News (Daily), Volume 34, December 18, 1892 mention that this mill would began work the coming week, and that it has a capacity of about 65-tons per 24-hours, and that is was located just south of town known as Cripple Creek, on/along the creek of same name.
        graphic for visual presentation of text
        graphic for visual presentation of text The Rocky Mountain News (Daily), Volume 34, June 25, 1892 say that workmen are employed night and day setting up the Huntington mill for the treatment of the soil from from the Cooper placer on Arequa. The contractors are under bond to have the mill ready for operation by next Thursday evening, and it will be ready by that time. The capacity of the mill be fifty tons per day.
        graphic for visual presentation of text
        graphic for visual presentation of textThe Colorado Daily Chieftain, September 25, 1892 call this the 'Arequa Huntington mill' and say it treats 15 tons of placer dirt per day.