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Media Info Last Updated:
27.06.2018 (13:32:28)
Title on Image:
Elkton Mine & Town in Background
Photographer [Date]:
Julia Skolas
This view by Julia, as by last check of my database on June 27, 2018, I counted/know of 5 uses of this scene for various postcard editions/crops and as 1 photo – this one. This photo does however feels like it is a copy from another source, it did not feel like an original photograph sadly.
The Scene is from a location along the Midland Terminal Switchback up to the Powerhouse of the Elkton Mine, the mine is the main focus here, but Raven Hill looms in the background and part of the houses in the townsite of Elkton is also visible. In addition, there are several railroad cars seen on the railroad business side of the mine.
The Tornado Shaft House is seen up on the more northern slope of Raven Hill, about 1/5 down from top and about 2/7 in from left-hand side, with a sort of a cupola on top of the roof line. There used to be more shaft-houses seen on the hillside behinds the Elkton, but none seems to be there anymore.
Image Note:
My Collection; Photographs. Somewhat Enhanced from my 300dpi scan.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#320]
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