General/Base Info:
Gold Sovereign; Tunnel [& Shaft ?]
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Info Last updated: 12.02.2022 (08:11:26)
This is a cropped view from a 1200 dpi scan of a postcard done by Lehr, most likely William Henry Lehr, of early Bull Hill Mines. The backside of the card is marked with a square AZO mark, indicating the card to be from the 1926 to the 1940's, but the image itself is earlier than that timeframe!
   I do not know when the photo was taken, but it can't be the timeframe the card is from as the full image has no trace of the spur up to the Blue Bird (which was built in 1903). But the High Line is there so this is from early 1898 till about early 1903, depending on when the Blue Bird spur was created. Another clue to dating this is that the mines of the Gold Sovereign and other mines has not became big operations yet.
   In fact, for this cropped view, I am guessing but I think about center of the view the tunnel that was known as the Gold Sovereign is seen, with a second tunnel, possible another claim, to the lower right. Above the tunnel, to the right, is a shaft which I think was connected to the tunnel as the claim Plat Map shows a shaft in that area. Higher up the hill in this cropped view is another shaft, which I think is the Jackson Shaft. None of those look like the huge operations seen on a 1908 image often used as postcard if of this area, just from a different angle.
   I did procure the colored version of this image. Source was grey-toned, or in common speech black & white. Used an online service and tweaked and worked with image to get what looks best to my eyes for the moment.Gold Sovereign Operations Around 1900
Photo by: William H. Lehr [aka Bill Lehr]
My Collection; Postcards. Straighten, Cropped, Enhanced, Colored view from my 1200dpi scan. I did procure the colored version of this image.
Media ID: 441
Being from a magazine the quality is sadly not very good so any details been lost to eternity, but as an inspiration for a model this view is quite great! I also for the time being struggle with identifying which shaft on the Gold Sovereign Mine this is from, as I have never seen a map telling me which named shaft was where, I can only assume this is either a shaft down to the Tunnel which seems to be first linked to the Gold Sovereign as per some info about that tunnel talking about a shaft being built, or possible it is the Jackson Shaft also located on the gold Sovereign, or possible an unnamed shaft, I really can't tell. Neither can I say if this is before or after the fire that took down this shaft for a time being.
What I can tell is that in the background about 1/5 in from left-hand side against the sky is seen the Joe Dandy mine with its easy to recognize Shaft/Orehouse. It is on Raven Hill; Gold Sovereign is on Bull Hill.A View at the Head Frame and Ore House of the Gold Sovereign Mine With Group of Miners Posing on the Dump Bridge.
Photo by: Unknown
My Collection; Negative from unknown printed source.
Media ID: 216
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Combination Vertical & Adit Mine
Date Located / Formed:
Bull Hill
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
      Known claims:
        Location Claim Description:
        Patented Date:
        Mineral Certificate No.:
        General Land Office No.:
        Known Transportation Connection:
          Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

          Known Producing Info:
          General notes:
          Hill's 1900 Manual indicates on page 223 that there was plans to make a connection from a winze in the tunnel to the surface and making that the main working shaft, but not sure what ever happen to it as the 1906 USGS Geology book of the District indicates that the Jackson Shaft might be their main working shaft.