General/Base Info:
Granite Mine
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down on the page. Sorry to have wasted your time/ear to listen to this, I was just trying to get a layout work like I wanted.
Info Last updated: 13.04.2022 (10:42:21)
This view has been worked over with various filters, to obscure the source from DPL which I am not allowed to use without paying for it. But I still tried to keep the visual needed aspect of the view to try create a good view to show the mine in a way it can create a nice feel of how it looked for modeling purposes. Of course, nothing stops you from visiting the DPL site and look at the source, link is below here so.Granite Mine Structures
Photo by: Unknown [1895]
View is Cropped and filtered from the DPL image X-62544.
Copyright restrictions applying to use or reproduction of this image available from the Western History and Genealogy Dept., Denver Public Library, at
Media ID: 35
Scene shows the smaller more 'modern' Granite Mine as it was looking at the time of the photo, with the dumps of the Portland No. 2 in upper left and the Lumber Work House of the Portland No. 1 seen about 1/3 down from top and center sideways, while the Head-Frame is seen near right-hand side. The old grade of the Golden Circle ran in the 'cut' seen in lower right quadrangle – having come out from the Steel Tunnel below the Portland No. 1 dumps, part of the crib-walls is still seen in this view.
   There appears to still be track on the Short Line Ajax branch as well, seen below the Portland No. 2 dumps in upper left, track is seen about 1/3 down from top, from left-hand edge to about 2/5 into the view towards right, where it curves out of out view.Cropped; Granite Mine Victor Colo
Photo by: William H. Lehr [aka Bill Lehr]
My Collection; cropped, straighten & enhanced from my 300dpi scanned postcard.
Media ID: 310
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
29.09.1892 (Date of Amended Location Certificate)
Battle Mountain
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
    Fate details:
    Owned by:
    • J.R. McKinnie
      -> 1892-11-17 [claim Map]
    Known claims:
    • Granite lode - 7861
    • Baby Mine lode - 9523
    Claim Links:
    Location Claim Description:
    Patented Date:
    Mineral Certificate No.:
    General Land Office No.:
    Known Transportation Connection:
      Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

      Known Producing Info:
      General notes: