General/Base Info:
Portland No. 1 Mine [aka Burns Shaft]
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Info Last updated: 22.11.2021 (12:32:15)
I do not know the source of the photographer's name, so it might be a wrong link I made at one time, but for time being I let him stay linked to this image so to speak! The view is a nice one of the Portland Mines, No.1 (Burns) Shaft in foreground and the No. 2 Shaft in the background more right. Between them is the old Shaft House of the Scranton, where the text 'No.2' is written. Behind that shaft-house and the cribbing there is a spur belonging to the Short Line terminating at the Ajax mine way outside the view at left.Portland Mine. Portland No. 2
Photo by: Tomer Jacob Hileman
My Collection; Postcards.
Media ID: 289
The postcard this came from has a date of January 25, 1939 written by hand on the backside with a name that appears to say Lester Ropes Jr. below it, but other than that, dating this view is not that easy I feel. This is the Portland No. 1 Mine – the Burns Shaft - with massive dumps around it. In the foreground, I think, is some sunken ground, with some small operations on the dump material I think towards lower right-hand corner. Sadly, the card is not the sharpest I've seen, and the contrast against the sky is not the best for smaller details, it scanned OK but not great.
I think there is a railroad line still behind the dump about center of image top/down, I see it on the full card and it fits the area where both Golden Circle and the M.T had its spurs to this mine, and where also the Short Line got a spur to serve the coal house of this mine. Read somewhere that there was a spur up to the Ajax running by the Portland Yards, bypassing the Steel Tunnel of the Golden Circle, not sure where that line was running exactly but I assume it is hiding somewhere in this view.Portland No. 1 Mine; Cropped From #C-31; Portland Mines Victor Colo. Cripple Creek Gold District
Photo by: Young
My Collection; cropped from a 1200dpi scan of a postcard.
Media ID: 199
Id No. (Mine / 1902 map):
Date Located / Formed:
Battle Mountain
Location Map Description:
Discovery / Formed by:
  • James F. Burns ()
  • John Harnan ()
  • James Doyle ()
Fate details:
Owned by:
  • Portland Gold Mining Company
    -> 1892-02-xx [First Stake Set]
Known claims:
  • Queen of the Hills Lode - 8404
Location Claim Description:
Patented Date:
Mineral Certificate No.:
General Land Office No.:
Known Transportation Connection:
    Extra Info/Details [Linked at One Time to the Entity]:

    Known Producing Info:
    April 1894 regular shipping
    General notes:
    When looking at maps it appears that the Shaft itself is located on the Queen of the Hills lode, while the structures spans into other claims them self.
    graphic for visual presentation of text In June 1900 it was written in Hill's Manual that the main working shaft house on the Burns is 40x130, with wing for boiler, 30x75, also drying room, 11x30, with wing for dynamo and carpenter shop. Large blacksmith shop, with five forges. A 600-horsepower hoisting engine, which is the largest in the camp.
    graphic for visual presentation of text The Burns shaft is a three-compartment shaft and the cages are double deckers. There is an immense compressor plant for supplying drills. Three compressors, one driving eight drills, one driving 16 drills, and one driving 24 drills. Four boilers. There are also two underground hoists, three large pumps; one of 800 gallons capacity at a depth of 900 feet; one of 1,000 gallons capacity at 1,000 feet; one of 1,200 gallons capacity at 1,000 feet lift.