This page has a total of 1 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
30.03.2018 (11:20:04)
Title on Image:
Dexter Mine Victor, Colo
Photographer [Date]:
William H. Lehr [aka Bill Lehr]
I've seen this view as two postcard versions and one photograph, but none of them has given anymore info then that this is someplace underground at the Dexter Mine on Bull Hill, no level info ever been given.

The view is of 3 miners sort of posing for a photo at a chute with a at the corner of a curve in the underground works. One man is sitting partly on his knee and is working a hammer and chisel with his left arm holding the hammer unless the photo is a mirror copy of the original scene, as I've seen happen before in other images. The other two men has their backs at the photographer and seems to be working the chute to fill a bucket sitting on top of a wheel setup pulled away from the rails.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#270]
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