This page has a total of 3 images, as of 17.04.2024 (11:36:32).
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Media Info Last Updated:
04.03.2023 (13:57:07)
Title on Image:
#3058; El Paso Mine, Cripple Creek District, Colo.
Photographer [Date]:
This image is a good one, in spite of the quality being too dark and that it sadly is of the printed type. But, the scene it shows makes it great as it shows the short-lived Switchback branch of the Florence & Cripple Creek that went down Beacon Hill to the Henry Adney & Old Gold mines in the valley below the impressive El Paso Mine, seen with its light colored large ore house and partly built in head frame about 1/3 from top at center of image.

A little below that at left is the C.K. & N. Mine, seen about middle top/down and in lower right-hand corner is the Henry Adney mine with a couple of F. & C. C. boxcars standing on the track nearby.

This image dates to a timeframe 1908-1917 due to the showing of part of a Orehouse in lower right that was built at Henry Adney around January 1908, till the branch line was abandoned sometime in 1917.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- Postcard; Published by H.H.T. Co.; Numbered 3058, titled El Paso Mine, Cripple Creek District, Colo. - Published in ????.
- Postcard; Published by H.H.T. Co.; Numbered 3058, titled El Paso Mine, Cripple Creek District, Colo. -> slighlty different cropped from source negative - Published in ????.
- no. 5; Souvenir Postcard Folder with Unknown name as there was no front on my copy - about the Cripple Creek District - Published in ????.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#244]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
13.04.2018 (08:02:00)
Title on Image:
El Paso Mine, Cripple Creek District
Photographer [Date]:
I never seen this view as a photograph, only as a printed image used for postcards and postcard folders, various crops from the source negative and various titles used. Also, various works been done to the print plates used to create the cards.

At time of writing thins I know off 11 versions/editions from the source, where 3 is from postcard folders and rest is postcards, and ten of those has the El Paso Mine used in the title, which here on this card can be seen about sideways center and about 1/3 down from the top, with a growing dump down the slope of Beacon Hill.

At left side, about 2/5 down from top, most of the surface Structures of the C.K. & N. Mine can be seen, while near bottom left the Henry Adney and Old Gold Mines can be seen. I often mix them together, but I think the Hendry Adney is the one to the left.

I am not certain of the name of the mine seen in lower right, but I think it is the Lonaconing Mine. Neither have I names for the several other smaller mine operations seen spread around this scene, but I hope one day to learn all this and be able to understand the relations and names and all.

Between the Henry Adney and the Old Gold mines there seems to be visible the tracks of the short-lived F. & C.C. switchback branch down Beacon Hill, built in 1904, which dates this view to be from between 1904 and 1906.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Printed Items (Found/Seen in/Known):
- no. 16; Souvenir Postcard Folder titled The Greatest Gold Camp On Earth. Souvenir Folding Card of Cripple Creek District - Published in ????.
- no. 11; Souvenir Postcard Folder titled Souvenir Folding Card of the Cripple Creek District - Published in ????.
- no. ?; Souvenir Postcard titled Serie 877. Souvenir of Cripple Creek, Colo. altitude 9600 feet. - Published in ????.
Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#272]
Shareable Link to Pic Info: Info Last Updated:
25.02.2017 (11:17:51)
Title on Image:
Henry Adney Surface Structures & Grading for Railroad
Photographer [Date]:
View of the old structures at the Henry Adney Mine, just as the F. & C.C. branch line on Beacon Hill was being built. In background left there is seen on top of the hill another mine similar in look, with a hoist house and a head frame in front of it – sadly just not that useful for anything. No idea which mine it is.
Image Note:
My Collection; Scanned Negative, from unknown printed Source, most likely a Mining Investor issue.Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#48]
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