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Media Info Last Updated:
21.02.2023 (21:52:41)
Title on Image:
The Gold Issue Mill
Photographer [Date]:
Tomer Jacob Hileman
To me this view here is a Pearl or a Gem! When I saw it listed on eBay, I just had to get it! It is a really rare view of one of the short-lived mills in the outskirts of the productive District. Named Cold Issue Mill by the photographer Hileman I know it as Gold Issue Mill, possible it might also be the same as the Wishbone mill, as of Feb. 2023 that is still impossible to find a final answer to! If it is the Wishbone, it has also been know under the name Midget-Bonanza Mill, and there is what appears to be an aerial tram coming in on the hillside to the long structure in upper left, making this appearing to be the same mill a greater chance I think.
The Gold Issue Mill is said to be on either Mineral Hill or Carbonate Hill, the sources I have are given both names as a location, on the northeast slope it is said. It was a Cyanide Mill, burned down I think, but looking at the image one of the house like structures at lower right has some brick wall to it so possible that can still be found as a ruin left-over if one knew where to look for this mill.
Image Note:
My Collection; Postcards.Source, Internet (Found/Seen/Known):
Source ID, My Collection:
Type/Category [Media ID]:
Photograph/Image [#534]
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