Proper Gold Mining Co. Inquiry
Proper Gold Mining Co.

3967. (Warren, Pa.) Can you give any information as to the condition and value of the "Proper Gold Mining Co.," of Cripple Creek, Colo., the size and quality of the veins, and the character of the walls.

Ans.: Mr. C. M. Williams, the secretary, informs us that this company owns four claims (St. Clair, Occidental, Proper and Chance) on Globe Hill, Cripple Creek. There are three shafts on the property, from 100 to 140 feet deep, with considerable drifting.

The walls consist of porphyry, phonolite and breccia. Two large dikes have been cut, one being basaltic, about 20 feet wide, carrying low grade ore averaging about $7 per ton; the other of breccia. There are two sets of lessees at work, five men being employed.

The ore runs from $15 to $650 per ton, and about 100 tons have been shipped.

The company is capitalized at 1,500,000 shares of $1 each, and was incorporated in April, 1896. The original amount of treasury stock was 450,000 shares. The first treasury stock sold netted the company five cents per share, and the last sold netted ten cents per share.

The company is said to be a close corporation and does not appear in any Cripple Creek handbook, which professes to give practically a complete list and full particulars of all the shipping mines of the district owned by companies.

The above showing would indicate that the value of the company and its stock is speculative.