Scanned items: Postcards from My Collection
This Category: Colorado Springs, has a total of 1 images, as of 21.02.2023 (21:51:32).
Most Recent added/changed image is on top.
Colorado Springs, Colorado.backside of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Media Info Last Updated:
11.08.2018 (08:39:33)
Title (on) Image:
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Photographer [Date]:

Date Guestimates, Earliest:

Date Guess, No Later Than:

Published By:
H.H.T. Co.
Source ID, My Collection:
P-03781 [#6441]
Shareable Link to PC Info:
graphic for visual presentation of textCOLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO
graphic for visual presentation of text Colorado Springs is an all-year-round resort for the tourist, to whom it affords all the conveniences of modern city life, it is a city of wide, shaded avenues, of charming and elegant homes of culture and refinement. It has grown until now it numbers over 40,000 inhabitants, and is recognized as holding a unique place among the world's resorts.
graphic for visual presentation of text--- --- ---
graphic for visual presentation of text-> A view of Colorado Springs from an unknown location, probably a hotel overlooking the city and towards the Front Range. Antlers Hotel is in background right, about middle top/down and about 1/3 in from right-hand side.
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Colorado Springs   
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I've seen copies of this Card sell at eBay on/for:
21.05.2018 at USD 0.08

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