O'er Canon and Crag to the Land of Gold - 1904, Series 3

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O'er Canon and Crag to the Land of Gold - 1904, Series 3

This book is in bad shape as all the pages are loose, and at least one of the images has become loose on the page it was clued into. The string tying the pages together is still there as a green string, but the pages has separated them self from the binding completely and many of the pages has fragile ends that breaks loose bits of paper here and there.

But, the views them self are just like they where when new, no harm has been done to them over the 100+ years that has passed since this was published back in 1904 or so.

As in the words of those who published this book:"The beautiful and artistic colored views embraced in this folio are photographic reproductions of the principal points of scenic grandeur on the trip from Colorado Springs to the Cripple Creek Gold Camp, over America's most famous Mountain Highway back in the days, The Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District Railway, more familiarly known as The Short Line".

I hope you enjoy these pictures, it was a joy when I got this years back, and I love that I am able to share it here for all to see/find :-)

Enjoy this little trip back to yesterday!

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This page Copyright [©] 2016 by Linda Irene Tingvik
(Pictures might have different copyrights - see album copyrights)
Created by Linda Irene Tingvik on 09.04.2016