Great Future
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Seeing Cripple Creek, January 1904
(page 23)
Cripple Creek's Great Future
E. C. Babbitt

Cripple Creek has now been a producer for 12 years. As mining camps go, this is a short time, not one-half of the time that Leadville and Aspen, not to say many other districts, have been adding to the world's store of precious metals. Probably no other mining district of the country has kept up so continuous a production as has Cripple Creek. The total output for the last year was curtailed about one-third by reason of the labor troubles, otherwise there is every reason to suppose that it would have ben as large as for the preceding two or three years.

Now what of the future for this the greatest gold mining district, when its area is considered, in the world? The district comprises about nine square miles of mineral territory. Of these nine square miles not more than three can be included in the productive area. Are we to conclude that the remaining six square miles are barren of values?

Not at all. It is a well known fact that all the northern part of the district has vast quantities of low grade ore not now payable. These low grade ores will certainly surrender to the assaults of the ingenuity of man and yield up their millions for the benefit of man.

If Leadville, Aspen, Tombstone, Butte, and others of the great mining towns of the country had depended upon their original discoveries they would be deserted to-day. As the first mines found become exhausted others are found to take their places. That is the history of all mining towns and it will most assuredly be so with Cripple Creek.

Let the knockers and faint-hearted remember that none of the great mining districts of the country, with the possible exception of Butte, have kept up so large an average production from year to year as has this district.

In the year 1883 the writer met a well known mining engineer of Leadville, who said he was leaving to make his residence in another part of the country because in his opinion the end of Leadville was in sight. This man was thought to be well posted as to the resources of that district and yet in the succeeding 20 years Leadville has mined a gross product of probably two hundred millions. There is every reason to suppose that Cripple Creek will do proportionately as well, which will mean a total production in the same period of time of not less than 250 or 300 millions.

Barring the present labor contest, which is now virtually over, what mining district in the world is so attractive to capital as is this? What camp can equal it in annual dividends?

Some have left here in the past year or so in search of other and better pastures, but all with whom the writer has come in contact say there is no place so good as Cripple Creek.

Front of the Seeing Cripple Creek January 1904 magazine
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