Known Mills: 83
Last updated: 20 September, 2016 16:30

List are from my own Database. I've put down the list as an alphabetic one, and not by the arbitrary ID number - the first 337 of those ID numbers is from a 1903-ish map from the USGS showing the location of mines & mills, and after that I've just added new numbers as I find some info or other reasons I find a new entity, and have the need to keep track of them.

Anaconda Mill [aka King & Craig Mill] (#1 481)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 28.09.2022 (Entity Images)
Arequa mill (#310)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 13.11.2021 (Entity Article)

Bailey Electrical Extraction Plant (#3 359)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 01.04.2024 (Entity Info)
Beaver Park Mill (#450)
Type: Stamp Amalgamation Mill
Last Update: Never
Blue Flag Mill (#1 070)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Brodie Mill (#439)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

Caley Mill (#1 390)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Colburn Mill [aka Colburn-Ajax, aka Ajax Mill] (#925)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 05.02.2023 (Entity Article+Pics)
Colorado Springs Mill [aka Tomlinson Mill] (#451)
Type: Stamp Amalgamation Mill
Last Update: 08.04.2024 (Entity Info)
Colorado-Philadelphia Mill [aka Colorado-Philadelphia Reduction Company Works] (#890)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Comanche Plume Mill (#2 290)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 02.08.2022 (Entity Info)
Copper Mountain Mill [aka Lois Mill; Sioux Falls Mill; Fluorine Mill] (#1 741)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 26.02.2022 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Crawford Mill (#449)
Type: Mill
Last Update: Never

Dante Mill [aka Gaylord Dante] (#1 172)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Denver Mill (#452)
Type: Stamp Amalgamation Mill
Last Update: Never
Detroit Mill (#1 045)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Dexter Mill (#2 243)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 03.07.2022 (Entity Info)
Dorcas Mill (#1 048)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 15.02.2023 (Entity Info+Tidbits)

Economic Mill (#160)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 25.11.2021 (Entity Article)
El Oro Mill (#1 372)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
El Paso Mill (#891)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 20.05.2022 (Entity Images)
El Paso Mine Dump Mill (#2 244)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 03.07.2022 (Entity Info)

Gaylord-Ironclad Mill [aka Jerry Johnson Mill] (#1 072)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 28.04.2023 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Gillett Mill {many Variantions] (#453)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 28.09.2022 (Entity Info)
Gold Geyser Mill (#384)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: 12.01.2017
Gold Issue Mill (#1 061)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 22.02.2023 (Entity Info+Pics)
Gold and Globe mill [aka Old Gold and Globe Mill] (#306)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: 19.02.2015
Golden Cycle Bull Hill Mill (#1 163)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Golden Cycle Mill (#920)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

Hartzell Mill [aka the Sylvanite Mill] (#394)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Holden Chlorination Works [aka Lawrence Gold Extraction Mill ?] (#438)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 07.01.2024 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Home Run Mill (#1 066)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 02.11.2023 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Homestake Mill (#1 051)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Huntington Mill (#3 374)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 09.04.2024 (Entity Info)

Independence Mill [aka Stratton's Independence Mill] (#921)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 02.01.2022 (Entity Info)
Ingham Cyanide Mill (#1 063)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Ironclad-Homestake Mill [aka Ironclad Mill or Homestake Mill] (#1 050)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 13.11.2021 (Entity Article)
Isabella Mill (#1 028)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 15.06.2023 (Entity Images)

Jo Dandy Mill (#1 370)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

Kavanaugh-Jo Dandy Mill (#1 371)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 13.12.2023 (Entity Info)
Kilton Reduction Works (#1 662)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 27.02.2021 (Entity Info)

Lawrence Stamp Mill [aka Lawrence Gold Extraction Mill ?] (#418)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Lincoln Mill (#1 071)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Lincoln Mine Group Cyanide Mill (#2 863)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.09.2023 (Entity Tidbits)
Little Giant Mill [aka Pony Gulch Mill] (#1 052)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 26.02.2022 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Los Angeles Mill (#1 742)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 26.02.2022 (Entity Info+Tidbits)

Metallic Mill [aka Bi-Metallic Mill] (#440)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 05.05.2022 (Entity Article+Pics)
Micharado Mill (aka Michorado Mill) (#2 099)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 23.02.2022 (Entity Info)

Nabob Stamp Mill (#385)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: Never
Narod Mill (#3 373)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: 09.04.2024 (Entity Info)
National Mill (#1 046)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 16.12.2021 (Entity Info+Article+Pics)
Neville Mill (#1 376)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Northwestern Mill (#2 245)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 06.07.2022 (Entity Info)

Oneida Mill (#1 044)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

Page Mill aka London Mill {latere Known as Florence Mill] (#1 016)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 04.09.2022 (Entity Tidbits)
Pappoose Mill (#2 837)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 08.09.2023 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Pike's Peak Mill (#387)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: Never
Portland Independence Mill (#1 921)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 02.01.2022 (Entity Info)
Portland Mill [Colorado Spring] (#895)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Portland Mill {Stamp Mill Experimental} (#1 162)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Portland Mill {aka Victor Mill; On Battle Mountain] (#922)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

Rex Mill (#1 373)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Rocky Mountain Smelter (#906)
Type: Mill
Last Update: 05.08.2023 (Entity Tidbits)
Rosebud Mill [aka the French Mill] (#401)
Type: Stamp Amalgamation Mill
Last Update: 17.04.2024 (Entity Images)

Santa Rita Mill (#1 069)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 26.07.2017 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Spinney Mill-Site (#653)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: Never
Standard Mill [aka Colorado-Standard Mill] (#1 047)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Stratton Mill [aka Cripple Creek Milling Co. Mill] (#1 831)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 30.10.2021 (Entity Info)
Streator & C. C. G. M. Co. Cyanide Mill [aka Streator Mill] (#2 824)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 30.08.2023 (Entity Info)
Summit Mill (#423)
Type: Stamp Amalgamation Mill
Last Update: 30.10.2021 (Entity Info+Article+Pics)

Telluride Mill [aka Golden Cycle Mill -> 1905-1907] (#1 049)
Type: Bromination Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Texas Mill (#458)
Type: Stamp Mill
Last Update: Never
Tornado Mill (#2 187)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 11.03.2022 (Entity Info)
Trilby Mill (#1 191)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 07.07.2023 (Entity Info+Tidbits)

Union Mill [aka United States Economic Reduction Company Mill] (#454)
Type: Chlorination Mill
Last Update: 20.05.2022 (Entity Article+Pics)

Vindicator Mill (#2 972)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)
Vindicator Mill [ex Lillie Mine Structures] (#918)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

W.P.H. Mill (#1 690)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 22.05.2021 (Entity Info)
Wild Horse Mill [aka R. E. A. and A. Mill] (#1 068)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 26.02.2022 (Entity Info+Tidbits)
Wishbone Mill (#1 067)
Type: Cyanidation Mill
Last Update: 27.10.2020 (Entity Tidbits)

Total of Known Mills: 83

This page, and this site is the work of me, Linda Irene Tingvik, and all text & pictures unless otherwise stated, is the property of me.
All copying, hot linking, Whatever, should be sought permission for, Before doing it!
If you see something that should not be here, is wrongly marked, or have anything to add, please write me.