Last updated: 24 February, 2019 21:36
Cripple Creek Gas Plant plans -> Jan. 25, 1896
-> Found at the Colorado Historic Newspaper site. Or direct to the text.
The Morning Times, Cripple Creek, Colorado.
Saturday Morning, January 25, 1896.
(page 1)
[Images used not part of article]
Franchise Granted by the Trustees Last Night.
The American Incandescent Gas Company Secures a Permit to Furnish the Citizens of Cripple Creek with a New Illuminating Gas for a Period of Thirty Years

Cripple Creek is to have a gas plant.

This was decided at a meeting of the town trustees last night, when an ordinance was passed granting a franchise to Frank S. Treadway, J. L. Lindsay and Daniel Weyand for the erection of a gas works in the town.

Before the ordinance was passed, Mayor Steel and J. L. Lindsay, who have just returned from an inspection trip of a plant similar to the one that is to be built here, recommended it in the highest terms.

They each gave several illustrations of how it outshone all the other lights in the country, and Mr. Lindsay said he had no hesitancy of stating that it was much superior to any other. Mr. Treadway stated that a man could not be asphyxiated with this gas and gave as an illustration a man who blew out the gas on retiring, and slept for eight hours in a closed room and felt no bad effects.

The ordinance provides in part as follows:

"That the said Frank S. Treadway, is hereby authorized to construct, acquire, maintain and operate a gas works in the town of Cripple Creek and to manufacture, sell and supply gas to said town and to lay, use and maintain pipes and mains, with all the necessary and proper attachments, connections and appurtenances, below the surface of the streets, as the boundaries now are and may hereafter be, for the supply and distribution of gas, and to erect all necessary posts for lamps, and for the same purpose to make connections for consumers with such pipes and mains, provided that all pavements, macadam and sidewalks shall be taken up an all excavations shall be under the supervision of the town engineer; that all excavations shall be replaced and repaired with like material and left in as good condition as before.

"That the gas manufactured and sold by said grantee shall not at any time be less than sixty-candle illuminating power, through a Welsbach burner with a consumption or not more than four feet per hour.

"That the construction of the plant shall commence on or before the first day of June, 1896, and shall on or before December 1, 1897, be completed. The works must be of sufficient capacity to manufacture 100,000 cubic feet per day, and shall have laid 10,000 feet of mains unless prevented by injunction or other legal proceedings, in which case the time during which the grantee is so prevented shall not be considered as part of the time within said work shall be commenced or completed as aforesaid.

"That the company during the term fixed by the ordinance may charge and collect not to exceed $3.10 per 1,000 cubic feet with a reduction of 10 cents per 1,000 cubic feet on all bills paid on or before the 10th day of the month following that in which gas was consumed.

"Whenever the town shall grade or regrade any street or highway along or across which the company has constructed any pipes or mains it shall be the duty of said company at its own expenses to change said pipes or mains so as to conform with the street or highway so graded on an order therefrom of the town engineer.

"The company shall extends its pipes and mains for the distribution of gas on such graded streets and highways as may be named by ordinance, followed by notice from the board of trustees to proceed thereunder and within the time specified in said notice, provided that in every such case at least for consumers on an average of every 200 feet of extension so made necessary shall first, in writing, agree to take gas from the company for not less than one year at the general rate, each tap for public lighting to be counted as one consumer."The company shall, at its own expense, bring connecting pipes for consumers inside the curb lines and to construct shut-offs, and may make such reasonable rules and regulations for making connections for private consumers with the distribution or service pipes of said company as it may deem proper.

"In case of making repairs, or constructing new work, the said company shall have a right to shut off for such a time as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose.

"Said company shall have the right to shut of gas form any consumer who may be in arrears for a longer period than fifteen days, after giving notice in writing five days before the end of the fifteen days.

"In construction, repairing and operating said gas works the company shall use every reasonable and proper precaution to avoid injury to persons or property and shall at all times and in all places hold and save harmless, the town from all and every such injury, loss or expense caused or occasioned by reason of any act or failure to act, of said company in the construction, repairing of the gas works or any part thereof.

"That within sixty days after the passage of this ordinance the company shall file with the town clerk its acceptance of the ordinance duly acknowledged, before some authorized officer.

"That the company shall, if the town so desires, furnish to the town of Cripple Creek, free of cost, during the life of this franchise, all gas required to light the city hall and fire stations.

"This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the passage and approval by the board of trustees, and shall so remain in full force and effect for the period of thirty years thereafter.

"The company shall furnish a bond for $5,000 for the faithful performance of its duty."

The company that is to operate this plant has not yet been organized, but it will be in a few days. The American Incandescent Gas company, of which Mr. Treadway is the representative, will be the principal stockholder, although the plant will be operated by local men.

 It is their intention, as soon as the company is formed, to sell the stock in the camp. The site for the plant has not yet been determined on, but several places are in view. A great many men will be employed on the construction, which will last nearly two years.


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