Last updated: 20 November, 2021 15:44
Ajax G.M. Co. (Jan. 1903)

The Cripple Creek Times
New Year Edition 1903
(page 80 & unpaginated page)

I added 2 maps from Hills 1900 Manual.

The development of the year by the Ajax Gold Mining company has demonstrated an important geological feature, and one that is highly gratifying to the management, and which means much for the future of the big Battle mountain property./p>

1900 Map of Ajax Gold Mining Co. & Hallett and Hamburg Gold Mining Co. Properties in the Cripple Creek District
1900 Map showing location of Ajax G. M. Co. Properties in the Cripple Creek District
1900 Map of Ajax Gold Mining Co. & Hallett and Hamburg Gold Mining Co. Properties in Section 29, T.15S, R.69W
1900 Map of Ajax G. M. Co. Properties in the Cripple Creek District

As depth is being attained it is found that the veins become more regular in relation to themselves, and that the formation shows less disturbance than above, especially above the 500-foot level.

Another and very important feature is that the veins are now showing to be true fissures.

Above the 500-foot level the ore occurred more in irregular bodies. Below that level the formation is granite at the present time. As yet no level has been extended to the porphyry contact.

Sinking was recently resumed in the shaft, and as depth is gained small veins have been encountered in the shaft and the conditions generally have become most satisfactory.

From the 1,000-foot level a winze has been sunk to a depth of about sixty feet, where good values have been found.

The ore shoot is all of three feet in width and the grade shows a decided improvement over that encountered above.

The company also did considerable prospecting work on the Apex claim, during the fall. It was for the purpose of proving up the veins and determining the strike and dip, so as to better locate where they should be encountered in the deeper workings.

New equipment has been installed, the most important of which is a new air compressor, having a capacity of ten drills, which with the present compressor capacity gives the company sufficient power to operate thirty large drills.

A modern and up-to-date assay office and chemical laboratory has been erected, where all the mine assaying and chemical work is now performed, proving to be much more satisfactory than having the work done elsewhere.

The company's machine shop is now the most complete in the entire district and everything but casting can be done there, which does away with the necessity of sending to Denver or elsewhere should some special article be needed.

The company has granted a lease on the huge dump and the returns received from the shipments made by the lessees are very good.

The entire equipment of the Ajax company is of the very best, and there is not a mine in the district that is better fixed for hoisting and compressor facilities.

E. A. Colburn, President Ajax Gold Mining Company.
E. A. Colburn, President Ajax G.M. Co.

The Ajax Gold Mining company is officered by the following well-known gentlemen

E. A. Colburn, president and general manager

William Lennox, vice president

C. H. Dudley, secretary and treasurer

which insures a careful, thorough and economical management of the property.

Ajax Mine Location on the 1903 USGS Topo-Map
Ajax Mine
Ajax Mine


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